I am getting so f’in tired of hearing the phrase, “In this economy!?”
It seems like anytime I say something with financial implications, the knee jerk reply is the aforementioned.
Me – “I want to refinance, buy a new car, jump into a new job, move, b!tch about MBAs and CFAs on AF, hit the club, crush natties, hang up my own shingle, etc.”
Other Person – “In DIS Economeeee?!”
Unemployment is at a respectable 9.1%. I remember from my L1 books long ago that 5% is normal and expected. Therefore 4 more people than normal out of 100 are in need of work, whooptie doo.
Rates are at all-time lows making it advantageous and opportunistic to assume more leverage.
Finally, value guys such as myself have done rather well over the past few years picking through the rubble for screaming buys.
The past 2 years have been relatively good and uneventful (Unless you watch Faux Newz in which case every day is in anticipation of the end). Furthermore, no one in this country has missed a meal in the past 30 years; although, many arguably should be missing a few or ten.
The USA is the only country with overweight homeless people text messaging on a iPhone 3Gs. I’m not that smart of a guy, but I’ll be damned if I need to listen to rubbish from sheeple regarding ‘the economy’ and the dire shape it is in.
Someone cheer me up with MBAvsCFA talk, my coffee has not kicked in and I am just befuddled at the incompetence I deal with daily!!