Should I take the GMAT?

Hi All,

I just sat for the CFA level 2 exam and currently work for a Fortune 250 manufacturing firm. I do finance, marketing, and data analysis for them. I graduated from USC (Investments, Financial Analysis & Valuation) 5 years ago and been working for the same firm my entire post grad carreer. My question is : Will the fact that I pass all 3 levels of the CFA get my foot in the door for any of the following positions : Equity Analyst, Research Analyst, Portfolio Manager (not immediately, but work towards) for a hedge fund, bulge bracket firm or PE firm.

Do i need to go to a top 10 MBA program to transition into one of those firms? If so, Please provide what study prep I should (Manhattan, Vertis or Kaplan?)

Thanks in advance!

I am not an expert, but from my experience:

You don’t need to go to a top 10 program if you can get yourself into the right recruiting channels without it. Meaning if you already have access to these companies or think you can get them without the program don’t worry about it. If you can’t it seems that going to a top program is your best bet.

My question is : Will the fact that I pass all 3 levels of the CFA get my foot in the door for any of the following positions : Equity Analyst, Research Analyst, Portfolio Manager (not immediately, but work towards) for a hedge fund, bulge bracket firm or PE firm.


Do i need to go to a top 10 MBA program to transition into one of those firms?

No but it’s the most direct path for you

Just to add to the post above, if you do decide to go the MBA route, network your a$$ off. Don’t just attend class and be the first one out after class.

Network with other students in your class or network with alumi? What if you’re the only person in class who is interested in X industry?

Then you’re at the wrong school

^ Ditto

maybe I should start by going to some CFA events sponsored by my local society and try to network. See where that takes me, while I start my studies for the GMAT as a back up.

Should I?

That would be a start.