'10 Bonus watch at Dealbreaker

Per the site: JPMorgan started announcing bonuses yesterday (though some were delayed ‘til later today) and, according to one Dimonette, there are “lots of unhappy people.” As a data point, I’m a 3rd year Associate (Sale and Trading) and total incentive award was $160k with 25% in stock. Salary bump to $140k. Heard numbers at Morgan were supposed to be much better.

theyare, thank you for volunteering your compensation information as a data point. Out of curiosity, how did your number compare to last year? What % of “salary bump” resulted in your current fixed comp?

Just be thrilled you get paid anything. Here in San Diego out of work CFAs are willing to take 30-40k/yr just to get in the door.

Any one willing to share ER associate bonus numbers ???

Fidelity included or not?

sc23 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just be thrilled you get paid anything. Here in > San Diego out of work CFAs are willing to take > 30-40k/yr just to get in the door. Really? Wow…if I were looking at 30-40K a year and I already had the CFA, I’d probably prefer just to collect unemployment and use my time to chill or look for jobs elsewhere. If you already have a CFA, what door would actually be valuable enough to get your foot in for $30-40K in San Diego?

res420 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Any one willing to share ER associate bonus > numbers ??? I am equally interested in hearing some numbers for ER

numi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > sc23 Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Just be thrilled you get paid anything. Here > in > > San Diego out of work CFAs are willing to take > > 30-40k/yr just to get in the door. > > Really? Wow…if I were looking at 30-40K a year > and I already had the CFA, I’d probably prefer > just to collect unemployment and use my time to > chill or look for jobs elsewhere. If you already > have a CFA, what door would actually be valuable > enough to get your foot in for $30-40K in San > Diego? Agreed, what door are you opening with that kind of money. I’m not implying that 30-40 is terrible money for some careers, but if you are taking a finance job at that money what are you actually doing. Maybe finance isn’t the field to be in if that’s what you are doing. I made more in accounting back in the day.

^ At CFA level or at any level in Finance?

On good authority I’ve heard of even (isolated examples though) CFA charterholders desperate to get in the door. Just a real lousy labor market… Talking to a recruiter – 40%-50% of apps in the analyst side of things have MBAs, etc. Employers have their pick of the litter, targeting exact experience levels, etc. Hopefully this market tightens up here.

^If you have the charter you already have at least 3-4 years of relevant experience.

HF analyst, macro and FX – 150,000 base 200,000 bonus. Not me.

@theyare: so you got 160K in incentives (40K in stock) and increase in salary to 140K. Is that correct? So your total comp is ~300k. What were you expecting? What sort of education and experience do you have? Just trying to fill out the picture. Thanks for any help with these questions.

adavydov7 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > @theyare: so you got 160K in incentives (40K in > stock) and increase in salary to 140K. Is that > correct? So your total comp is ~300k. What were > you expecting? What sort of education and > experience do you have? Just trying to fill out > the picture. Thanks for any help with these > questions. Guys, ‘theyare’ actually didn’t receive these numbers. This was from dealbreaker that a 3rd year associate apparently gave.

That sounds about right. As a barometer, even though HFs put up good numbers this year they’re generally still recovering from 08 losses so compensation is still going to be muted. 300-400K for a mid-level analyst is about par for the course. Less than 275,000 for a private equity analyst in the south/midwest.

^^Haha, I hear MM PE in the Texas was hit particularly hard, jk. Actually TX is doing alright. 300k is about average for a 3rd year associate. One thing that is annoying is my fund actually had a great year, but, like SMIRK says, comp is muted on the buy side due to AUM outflows and decreased revenues (a lot of it in other products at my firm). My co is actually kind of screwing me in this regard, I feel. Whatever, can’t really complain just have to hope this performance carries to nice LT numbers and I they pay big then or I keep building the track record and do something else. It’s funny how companies are willing to pay the ridiculous amounts right before economic armageddon and when you’re coming out and survive the storm they get stingy. I guess it’s the “bird in the hand” saying: they want to bank on the porformance before they pay for it.

^Wow it must have been really tough for your fund to have a good year when the market was up more than 23%…One year returns on their own are a meaningless gauge of fund performance.

Dude, you really don’t have enough info about what type of fund I work on now to criticize. We underperformed slightly last year (about median) and killed it relative to the universe this year. I obviously did not mean absolute returns and I think I should explain that generally LT returns are made up of individual years to which this past year contributes greatly, hostile guy.

^I’m just messing you with you, keep it real man - AUM and revenues down, your clients probably are still well below where they were in 2007, a bit early for managers to pat themselves on the back. I meant it more as a generally folly to the industry, not to you personally or your firm.

I got no bonus. Welcome to life at big4.