Getting Laid Off

Hey, I have a friend who’s firm found out he was interviewing for other jobs and was laid off. He was not given has last two weeks of pay, but was given a severance. Does that sound normal? Don’t they have to pay him for what he worked?

Well, if the firm is looking for people to fire your friend is the obvious choice. BTW, if his firm could find out he was looking for jobs, probably he was not working hard.

he wasnt fired, but laid off. i think we have the answer. nevermind, thank you

Not given the last two weeks of pay does not sound normal in any job.

word. i think he got everything sorted and made a big deal out of nothing… sorry for the pre emptive post.

AssetMgrWannabe Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Well, if the firm is looking for people to fire > your friend is the obvious choice. BTW, if his > firm could find out he was looking for jobs, > probably he was not working hard. Or if you were on AF all day… Pretty damn addictive.

out of curiosity, Rob & Big fan ? cause… me too…

absolutely hilarious, got me through working in the bo last summer, I’d have it playing in the background.

i have so much BB gear…

Are you saying that he wasn’t paid for his last two weeks on the job? The employer can’t not pay someone for time already served. That doesn’t make sense at all. Even if he was laid off, he still has to get paid for the time he’s already put in. By the way, just curious when the firm discovered he was interviewing elsewhere, was he really laid off, or was actually fired? Seems like if this company was being vindictive, spending time on your job searching for another job might be considered a terminable offense. But I guess it doesn’t matter because at least he came out with something, i.e. severance Basically, I find your post rather confusing and ambiguous so please clarify

Its all good, my buddy thought he was just getting severance, but not getting paid for time already worked. it turns out he is getting both. as a lesson, be careful when job hunting. dont let anyone know. he got busted through the one email he sent to someone else.

how’d they find out? did the company tap into his email box? when i was looking for another job, i got email on my phone…was a lifesaver

i think random email search? maybe they got suspicious? i didnt ask a lot of questions. maybe when it blows over a bit ill ask some more

Yea, blackberry/smart phone for the win.

can companies monitor BB messenger?

everything on your blackberry that runs on blackberry enterprise server (BES) can be audited. whether or not it’s economical for a company to filter through all that data is another question, but everything can be logged and monitored.

Any company that does crap like that you don’t want to work for.

Easy solution on the Blackberry…get your own! The company can’t monitor activity on it if neither the device nor the account is theirs. :smiley:

i only use morse.

You should learn shorthand, then no one will understand anything you write