IRS what is up?

Anyone else experiencing delays with their refund. These chumps owe me $7K. Four weeks late so I called their office. PA - What’s up? IRS - Oh your return was forwarded to our “error dept” PA - Oh ya why? IRS - We don’t know PA - When are you gonna tell me? IRS - A letter should arrive in **four weeks** requesting additional info. Conclusion - stall tactic…printing money as fast as possible…wait your turn.

join the club…

We need a support group. I think anyone with a refund > 3K gets forward to error dept. Maybe I’ll get audited too.

We got a memo at work about this. The Pentagon needs a new coat of paint. Therefore refunds are now double taxed @ 90%.

Don’t worry. The error was putting a date in 2009 on your check. They’re forward dating anything over 3K to 2012. Don’t lose that thing.

dlpicket Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Don’t worry. The error was putting a date in 2009 > on your check. > > They’re forward dating anything over 3K to 2012. > Don’t lose that thing. Direct deposit. Got mine weeks ago.

Letter received from IRS: “Dear Purealpha, please supply documentation showing we have the money you gave us.” The money I sent was blown on salaries for idiots like this asking pointless questions.

Ya. CA tax franchise board has tools running them. I sent them 1500 that they said i owed in Taxes (i dont even know how they got this number!!) So i sent in 1500. They cashed it. All good. 4 months later they sent a letter saying “Pay now or else.” I called them and they said “Oh ya we cashed it into the wrong account so we’ll refund you back the money. But CA had budget issues so we don’t know when the state controller will send the check out. But don’t worry we won’t charge interest” THen i get a new bill with new interest on it.

I’ve seen way too many IRS and State Dept of Rev letters. They suck to put it lightly.

The letter was crap. You need to provide us with TWO COPIES, then send one copy and keep the other. What is wrong with these people?

Filed my taxes on 3/31. Still waiting for refund to hit via direct deposit.

its because IRS is super efficient:

Better question: Why are all these supposedly financially astute individuals allowing the government to borrow their money all year interest free?

NakedPuts Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Better question: Why are all these supposedly > financially astute individuals allowing the > government to borrow their money all year interest > free? Good point. I generally owe the IRS money at the end of every year. I think it’s because I claim a head of household exemption on my W-2 and get less taxes withheld than I should, which is perfectly fine with me.

Is this Kim? You should like my friend’s wife! She loves to say things like “well, for someone who is *supposedly* this great finance guy, I find it ironic that…”. People love that. His comeback is “well, for someone who is supposedly this great people person (HR), I find it ironic that…”. Okay, brain wandering…back on topic… I fixed my withholding situation but the US gov still has a lot of fixing to do.

Well, the amount of refund I’m getting is pretty nominal (low hundreds). Besides, I’d rather have it that way than to have to cut a check to the government owing taxes – just one less thing for me to worry about.

I have mixed feelings about this. But here is why I think refunds are nice. 1. The taxes taken out of your check forces you to live more conservatively. 2. The refund will hopefully arrive before 4/15 and can be deposited into an IRA. 3. Tax season comes right after the Christmas holiday where everyone spends more than they intend to, the refund will help out in the event of a credit card balance.

Numi you need to wait your turn, I mean I submitted mine in freain’ Feb, FIFO please.

numi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Filed my taxes on 3/31. Still waiting for refund > to hit via direct deposit. You can get your refund status.

^ and if that site says “give us a call” that means your screwed like me…get in line…wait for your letter.