I'm A Temp Now--How To Get First Job

Dear All: I have been doing temp work for 6 months, and I’m 4 years out of college. I am making a career change and took the CFA Exam Level I in December. What is the most efficient way to go about getting a real freaking job? No one is hiring now, and I don’t even know where to look. I’m willing to do anything. -Richard

What did you do before career change and what do you want to do in the future? Geography?

I worked as an actuary for 6 months (passed the first 2 tests, but got laid off, and can’t find another job). I want to work as a mutual fund manager (hopefully open my own hedge fund).

I heard actuary is a good job and earn quite a “GOOD” salary!! If you passed the 2 tests already, why don’t you just finish it? With the economy these days, something is better than nothing!!

I know an actuary who is also incidentally a fund manager (pension fund). Added: I realise you’re probably on the wrong continent but otherwise you could start working up contacts with names appearing here: http://www.ipe.com/