60% in mocks unite..

Lets see how many here scored barely 60% or barely over 60%.

I took 1 CFAI mock and only morning session of March mock…

Scored 62.5 % in first whole mock and 60% in march mock AM

I hope I am not the only one scoring in 60s. looking at poeple scoring 70s is breaking my confidence…

The people who get 50’s and 60’s either don’t post their score or post here at all. The average score for the schweser live mock was 56-57%, that’s all you need to know. I’ve been getting upper 50s/low 60s on all my mocks but I’ve been drilling info into my brain for 2 weeks straight now. The cfa doesn’t award passing scores based on mocks, they only care about the real thing. If you kill it on exam day, it doesn’t matter how many or how good your mock scores were. Your pass is as good as everyone else’s.

posting mock scores on here is largely a dick measuring contest that I don’t care to engage in (save the above)

What is the point of posting mock scores? No one keeps track of how many goals you scored on the practice field.

I scored the same as you did. The purpose of doing mocks is to review your weak areas… I had a 65% average in CFA 1 and passed in the first attempt. It’s good that you have the numbers and can review the concepts you’ve failed…

My disapointment with CFA mocks is that some of the questions are THE SAME as the practice questions available at the website…

I’m in the low 60’s my friend. Am going to attempt one more mock, then focus on the two subjects I hate the most: FI and Swaps.

same boat - only reason i did good on the version A CFAI mock 2014 is becuase IT REPEATED ITEM SETS FROM THEIR PRACTICE SECTiON as someone mentinoed above. Thanks CFAI, so so helpful.

Lets keep going and touch the sky people!!! ITS ALMOST OVER yes wink

we call that self selection bias or back-fill bias in hedge fund literature, lol

I’ve done 8 mocks now and I think I only scored above 70 overall on one of them. All of the others were in the low/mid 60s. There’s definitely gonna be some luck involved on exam day in getting the right questions.


63% on the AM section of the CFAI June mock. It will be interesting to see come July how many people who post in this thread end up passing.

No one ‘else’ keeps track of your practice goals. However, yourself should be keeping track. If your scoring no goals from the left wing and all your goals are coming from the middle and right wing, then you know you need to work on your left wing now untill gametime.

Or on the macro view. If you have multiple forwards on the team scoring more goals at practice, then you know you must practice even harder.

I know i may not belong in this thread but I got 58% in my second mock :confused:

My scores have ranged from 58% to 65%. This is the same thing that happened to me at level 1 and it turned out fine so I’m not worried. I’m scoring 75%+ on the EOC’s and that’s what really matters to me