Passing the Torch

Would anyone who has Qbank care to pick up the lunch crunches going forward? I will be unemployed on Thursday and plan to spend more time with the books away from the computer. I could put questions up still, but they will be at various times. If someone wishes to keep the lunch crunch going, feel free to just start throwing up questions at your discretion.

Good luck ditch.

i wouldnt want to commit to anything, but i will be happy to post more qbank if you will be posting less.

ditch, use this unemployment time nicely. when I was about to get laid off, the only positive I realized was the amoutn of time i’d have free to study for the exam. luckily i didn’t get laid off, and held on to my job dearer than my life in this economy. as a result i have no time to study now and registered to fail for L2 right now… I am at lunch right now, but have no crunch for questions as i know nothing, but reading up on ethics today… plan to finish off SS3, and Ethics by tomorrow! this is the way it has to be i guess now…

cfaboston28 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Good luck ditch. Thanks. As of right now I have a pending offer from a hedge fund. Details will be ironed out by the end of the week. The manager was worried about compensation since he would like to help me along, but is struggling like everyone else these days. I don’t want to let a few bucks make up my mind for working at a hedge fund vs cutting grass this summer. Otherwise I’ll be playing catch up with Level 2 stuff.

ditchdigger2CFA Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I will be unemployed on Thursday … Man, what a double-whammy: unemployed and having taxes due on the same day! Sorry to hear of the job loss, ditch. Hopefully the hedge fund gig will turn out to be awesome!