hey man if im gonna be bleeding my eyes out on these books I’d like the cover to at least be inviting lol
They’re dropping the amount of color used on the covers (prior, at least the bottom half was filled with pictures, now just a single small image). They also made the interiors greyscale last year I think
I really don’t mind the quality, I think it’s fine. What I do mind is a 275% price increase for a much poorer quality product (physically, not content). Additionally, I think I remember back at Level I being able to choose between ebook or text or taking both. It’s shady that they bake the ebook into the price then show it to you broken out when you actually pay. They definitely should let you opt out of the ebook. Hunch is they are paying a pretty penny for the ebook and new online mock exams etc… and need to offset somewhere…
I never noticed eye pain, but maybe I was numb to it after a while. If anything I think my neck would’ve hurt if I was hunched over a book for hundreds of hours over the past 2 years. If I don’t get good news in 5 days maybe I’ll study from the book next time.
Keep in mind that they went through a logo change…Personally, I think the covers look sleek. I do find that the paper could be a little stronger through. And if not that then the ink. I hate when I erase something I scribbled in my book and then it takes the ink with it.
Bought printed books for L1&2 and barely used them. I feel like it always seems like a good idea to use CFAI text, but then you realize it’s riddled with untestable bullshit and you go back to Schweser or whatever. Not sure what to do. Is there anything about L3 that might be different?