Work Conditions in Basra, Iraq

I have tried to draw view upon the working conditions in Basra, Iraq thru all publicly available data but all these are official stats. So looking for some better ground reality check if you guys have. Though its still unstable security wise but I think it’s only to some provinces like Bhagdad, Kurdistan etc. Basra is the new hub especially & IMO only for Oil & Gas companies which is more secluded from these risky areas & less prone to terroist attacks.

Anybody care to share their views?

It’s safer than North Korea and Afghanistan if that makes you feel any better.

Why would you even consider Iraq as a potential place of employment opportunity at this time? Unless you like living on the edge…

The fact that you have to consider it ‘less prone to terrorist attacks’ vs other Iraqi cities says it all.

This reminds me of reading about ‘US consultants’ working in countries like Pakistan and their families acting very surprised when they get kidnapped or shot.

I’m guessing there is a premium to working there. Everyone has a price.

Pay would have to be redunkulous for me to consider wasting years of my life living in a hot sand pit with below par infrastructure and zero night life surrounded by a bunch of irritable extremists.

^so the real question is “how much?” Would it be worth $100k? (certainly not) $1m? (maybe) $10m? (defintely) Former trader is right in that everyone’s got their own price.

About tree fiddy.

Iraq is pretty liberal socially as far as Arab countries go so when all this stuff setlles down, might not be a bad place to work.

Sorry, I was late for work, there was an IED, then my car broke down. I took pictures:

^ wow… LOL. Never minding the detour you had to take since they had blocked off some roads in light of the public executions taking place that morning…

The bigger question is what is the guy about to do with that hammer he’s holding in the 3rd picture?

Living there is a good character building experience. If you survive, it would look good in MBA applications!

Indians will work anywhere, no matter how terrible, if you pay them double what they earn in India. The entire British empire’s railroads were built on this belief. To this day, you can find vibrant Indian communities in some of the worst countries on earth (Zimbabwe) for example). So if they are paying you double Rahul, go for it. More will follow.

…says the guy who will travel anywhere for money and women!

Irony and Americans…pot and kettle etc. etc.

I have a feeling that the places like Zimbabwe were not much worse than India at that time. 100 years ago, being in India usually meant living in a hut and working in a plantation all day. Going to Zimbabwe involved living in a hut and working in a different plantation all day.

Definitely, pretty much every post out of Chicken Tikka drips with disdain towards India or Indians. If he literally sees nothing good about the country, ranging from cheating in schools to the fact that he apparently does not rate India’s military (he’s the expert?) to the fact that people crap on streets (Maybe he should invite them over?) wonder why he chooses to live there. Is it some closet white man’s burden thing going on?

I don’t think he is being mean. Those are just observations which contrast with standards of life in the US. That is why they are interesting and worth writing about.

yeah, he’s out there to civilise the savages

Yeah, from what I’ve seen he has a love / hate relationship with the country. The US on the other hand, he just flat out hates.

That being said, Indians tend to be highly sensitive to contrasting observations regarding their country. In the US, people will openly talk about things that are bad about our country as well as things that are good. We’re used to the rest of the world critiquing us as well. Sometimes it gets old, but it is what it is. Meanwhile, most Indians I know, strongly dislike Slumdog Millionaire because it “portrays their country in a negative light”. Mostly because Bollywood films are simply cheap feel good propoganda and they’re unused to gritty narratives that may only focus on a single aspect in which a story takes place.