Putin Saves the World

Lots of subtle truth from Putin here. This guy is doing god’s work against the deep state. When disclosure hits, Putin will be seen as a hero. Mark it down.


Also Megyn Kelly starting to look like a gargoyle.

lmao align with autocratic dictators who murder their competition because it aligns with your anti globalist worldview? And you constantly cried about the clintons body count and corruption… Putin’s is likely orders of magnitude higher.

troof. 5D


Gods work obviously, comrade. Pro trump is getting to be anti american pretty quickly, feel free to join donald in sucking his daddys dick any time :wink:

lolol this bird even salutes him ----

Not surprising you still don’t get it. ‘Intelligence reports’ have zero credibility. Most reasonably informed people realize that fact, thanks to wikileaks. Wake up bro.

oh yes yes, the intelligence that someone is being charged for is fake. But russian puppets & infowars know the real truth!

Its very convenient for you to just be able to stick your head in the sand. Whichever one of us is wrong in the end I hope at least has the balls to come out and admit it. I know I will, I get the feeling youll just make excuses and keep digging the rabbit hole deeper.

i get the feeling you’ve never done any research into vault 7. it’s ok. you don’t need no undeniable facts because muh russia and they’re going to get that basturd.

Oh you mean Vault 7 which is the timed leak from a source largely considered to be compromised by Russia by most in the intelligence community over the last few years that provides the perfect deflection tactic that lets you blame anyone you want despite the evidence. Could you imagine if this all happened to get Hillary in office? Your head would literally explode.

“Oh you have evidence of this? Doesnt matter, vault 7, what we believe is fact!”

I started laughing after reading this and my coworker asked what was going on lol

so where the truth comes from is more important than the truth? ‘largely considered to be compromised by Russia’ did CNN tell you to think that? use your fukking brain for something more than a hat rack. it’s ok to try and come to your own conclusion based on facts. Start with this one: nothing wikileaks has ever published has been discredited. or keep seething in your self imposed box. you’re still a little cubbie, so maybe there’s hope for you to figure out how to filter through the bullsh!t in the future. i hope so. we need more people working for the good guys.

nope youre mixing it up, its you using some facts and mixing it with what you already want to hear to come to the conclusion you already wanted to. Its literally what Alex Jones nut jobs do. Mix in some facts that you can fact check, then misdirect with all other BS. Ok so the US has the capability to do something, so that by fact means its all (((DEEP STATE))) and it couldnt possibly be sweet old putin who has never done anything!

Is it possible the US govt has a massive conspiracy to undermind trump? yea sure, is it possible that the russians have hacked us and were actively working with the trump campaign? yea sure. They are both possible. Thats what the point of htis investigation is. At least im honest and keeping an open mind. You have already “decided” what happened and will ignore anything to the contrary and yell “VAULT 7! VAULT 7!” It conveniently allows you to ignore any fact you dont want to deal with

I have never said the wikileaks leak wasnt real, not once. I have questions the motive behind it and the fact that it seems wikileaks has become a curated propaganda machine for putin.


here is a nice link summing up my thoughts. It is telling you what you want to hear and giving you something that will allow you to ignore all future evidence.

so what you’re admitting is you cannot trust anything associated with an alleged ‘intelligence report’, which is a true fact. yet you proceed as if it can possibly be 100% trustworthy if it supports your pre-determined conclusion. you don’t get the larger game being played and who the actors are. i know this report is bullsh!t because I understand the forces behind it. Putin and Trump ARE on the same team and they ARE the good guys.

You have questions about the motive? how convenient while you’re getting all of your “information” from quasi state run Western news outlets that have lost all credibility. self referencing top down retardation at its finest. wikileaks disseminates real factual documents that discredit your “reality” and those facts are what’s biased? ever stop to consider the narrative your being fed?


“Recently, President Putin dressed down to their faces the Western media whores who are fanning the flames of World War III by repeating without question Washington’s propagandistic lies. These lies are reckless. They endanger all life on planet Earth.”

lolololol. Might as well read:“Hello american pig dogs, I am young man from United States, I like to sex with girls and drink [Insert countries beverage here]”

another alt?

You’re just clinging to anything that will let support your delusion so you can go back to cnn and hear the thoughts you’ve been trained to process. West good, russia bad.