to be fair. i manage their finances. they had 125k back in 2007, now 401k is 400k. i handled their loan modification in 2009 process which lowered the house loan to 2.5% teaser capped at ~4% from a 6% with a teaser and lowered monthly payments from 2000-2600 to 1200-1800. that’s 800 * 12 * 30. that’s like 288k. plus i gave them 15k when i started work. plus she owes me a 6k loan interest free. am i still a shitty son?
she does have like 130k loans between 4% to 6%. she jokes its all my fault, but she is grateful. her go to move was withdraw from 401k. lol she withdrew 30k in 2006. yes lol, she got debt problems.
^ i hear that. my mom’s household finances are a wreck too. she doesn’t even have finances for me to manage. i’d be better off being a carpenter to her.
how about a heloc? or do you live in phoenix? or will she blow it all? haha
rofl we applied to penfed home equity loan last year she got rejected. then again we asked for 75k, perhaps the ask was too much? how do these guys think anyhow.
i actually wanted to consolidate everything through it, for the tax deduction.
reputable lenders will provide a heloc up to 80% of the property’s value at a very good rate. so if he has 50% equity, 50% mortgage, she should be able to get 30% of the value in heloc at a good rate. lenders will go over 80% but rates are usually terrible.