American Exceptionalism?

Anywhere in the world? That link shows the difference between 20 countries…

I would rather be born in the US vs. 95% of the Countries in existence today.

Having grown up in a relatively poor area of the US, having gone to public schools, having no memory of my parents helping me with my school work, having seen many from poor families “make it”, having noticed that healthcare is something everyone had one way or another, my experience just simply doesn’t fit your narrative. And now, having worked on five continents and interacted with people from six, America is the home of the first, second, and third chances. Try becoming a doctor in England or Japan if you’re not performing well at 16. Happens all the time here. And as you know, our immigration statistics are extremely distorted given the undocumented and those with birthright citizenship.

They do and they don’t. Everyone agrees things should be done but no one acts. I agree the US is a bit too trigger happy and I like how Obama wants to develop a consensus among nations, but someone needs to lead and it hasn’t been anyone in Europe the last 20 years from what I have seen.

That’s what you want, not necessarily the demands from the rest of the world as you previously claimed. And no, I personally don’t think anybody needs to “lead” anything.

Ok they don’t. Then no one needs to ask us for anything I’m fine with that as well. Seemed a bit different during WW1 and WW2 when Europe couldn’t handle their affairs. I would personally love to slash our military budget over 50% and not care what happens around the globe to be honest. We could use the money here and it would keep our citizens much happier

I’m not sure Americans would favour the French setting the world agenda. Americans feel like they should control the show and so they do. Would a 50% reduction in defense spending be publicly acceptable in the U.S.? Probably not.

You realize that a lot of countries would love it if the US slashed its military budget in half? What you need to grasp is that the US chooses to lead the world’s agenda because it’s in American interests and because Americans want to, it’s not because the world asks the US to, nor is it because of altruistic motives.

Or China or Russia…

I grasp that completely Palatir. I would love nothing more than that, bt good luck getting republicans on board with cutting a penny to the defense budget. It would hurt their military/industrial complex interests. If the US doesn’t attempt to lead someone else will, so it really doesn’t matter. If Steve Jobs didn’t lead Apple (like a complete psychopath) the company wouldn’t be the most valuable company in the world (and you would not have a job stumping on online forums talking about)

I am not being compensated, therefore it is wrong to call it a “job”. It is pure passion…

Lol well played

canadian exceptionalism?

link doesn’t work. weird. zut vous American Youtube! it’s canadian bacon.