Any 3/3 - 18 monther's out there?

And I hate when little boys come here and boast about how young they are and what their achievements are. Everyone starts life from different levels and everyone has a different fucking life test to deal with. Life is not all pink to anyone so wait for your turns you little idiots.


holler player, 18 monther here

Both the CFAI and “3/3 Circle Jerks” in this thread would like to extend their warmest wishes to you for making it another year.


Woah - That is some serious rage.

Why so angry?

If I follow, I think he wants you to say 1.5 years, not 18 months.

We all know it’s not actually 18 months, but that seems to be the prevailing assumption when someone says 3/3 from Dec-Jun-Jun.

Reporting in. Was hell of a ride, but the bragging rights make it worth it… (nah, jk. It was hell) But the question is, can we gain superior investment returns?

Thank you very much!!

3/3 in 18 here, technically. I actually studied level 1 for just a week (focused on ethics) and got >70 in all topic areas. CPA, finance background plus FRM review experience helped a lot. Ow and i’m 30 years old. And I don’t think that i’m an idiot. I attained all of these through hard work and dedication; i’m just average in intelligence. Anyway, what’s wrong with a little celebration? Are we saying were better analysts? Definitely not.

Look in the mirror and youll find a real idiot!!!

The above is for that baklava guy.

Who said something about being young? I don’t think there was a single post above you which said “I am xx years old and I am 3/3 18-monther”…?

3/3 in 18 months baby!

Pambangsang, it is very difficult to believe that you studied for 1 week for Level I???. With all due respect and regardless of your background, this sounds unrealistic! I know guys with 1st class Msc Finance and Investments from prestigious business schools who have taken longer and failed.

By the way, just check your designations, you could be violating Standard 7

Well i did it. Your arguments are fallacious (hasty generalization). I don’t believe I’m a better analyst than any one here though just because of my level 1 results.

Why am i violating standard 7? You know that, if you select both cfa and frm programs in your acct settings, these are alphabetically arranged right?

Anyway, this would be my last post on Analyst Forum. People like you and baklava irk me. I have better things to do. Good luck.

@baklava - did you pass L3?

Hate Hate Hate Hate!

You have already successfully completed the CFA Program and may not register again. Please contact us if you have any questions.

I think this is the coolest box on their website

Congrats to all of you “18 monthers”. Your results are impressive. Hope I will join to your club next summer.

This is the first and only post I’ll ever make on this forum - as a long time lurker, I thought I owed it to the people who obsessed over the exam as much as I did.

I went 3 for 3 over summer 2014, 15 and 16, and now am enjoying a celebratory vacation, so I figured I’d tell people my strategy. 1. I didn’t open the CFA books once. People overthink this. I used Schweser only. You don’t need to get 100% on these exams, you simply need to get 65-70%. The Schweser materials do absolutely fine in getting you there. People who tell you otherwise either didn’t actually use Kaplan or aren’t doing a good job studying. 2. For 2 and 3, I used the Schweser live videos, and thought it was certainly the difference in passing 2, probably 3 as well. For 1 it obviously would’ve helped. I also did the 3 day online video review for 2 & 3. 3. Strategy for studying: started January 3/4ish each year. Studied M-TH for 2ish hours a day after work. First couple months would be 4-6 hours on the weekend, then the final months would be 8-12. I coordinated the studying with the live videos. I would read the material and write index cards for every bolded word in the text. I would then do the practice problems at the end of the section. All of this would be done before the online class, which I found useful for review and structure. 4. The KEY to my success I think came from finishing the first review of the material at the end of April. That month of May review is HUGE. you CANNOT be looking at material for the first time at that point. If you are you are WAY behind. 5. Just gotta suck it up and give up 3 May’s. I studied over 130 hours from May 1 to the exam each year. Finally, don’t half ass it. You are in or you are out. If you are taking this exam, you are smart enough to know the most valuable asset you have is your time. Don’t waste years half assing it. Suck it up, do it right, be done with it. Peace