Anyone else like seeing oil go up?

maybe this will stress some people out and increase the odds of passing for us on the forum. good luck everyone.

I didn’t even look at the market today until just now when the neighbor at the library showed me the S&P on his iphone. WTF Happened?

Wow, the way the price of gas has been going, it pretty much proves that I am a genius for trading in my Escalade for a Ford Pinto. What’s not to like about rising oil prices?

I walk to work. Wouldn’t have it any other way…


KJH Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I didn’t even look at the market today until just > now when the neighbor at the library showed me the > S&P on his iphone. WTF Happened? unemployment and oil

yeah, maybe its time to start considering new technologies and lifestyle changes. Im sure alot of people would like to give up their two hour commutes.

Does anyone have experience working as a financial analyst for an independent (so not Exxon) exploration and production company? So you’d basically be doing financial forecasting and modeling for the drilling and stuff. Plus those guys are super levered, and most uses hedges, so it seems like there’d be a lot of moving parts. Seems interesting. But you’d probably have to live in Oklahoma City or Fort Worth.

Fort Worth is a great place to live. I grew up there and it is a very clean city with extremely affordable housing. Also, thanks to the generosity of a prominent billionaire oil family it has a very vibrant downtown.

naturallight Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Does anyone have experience working as a financial > analyst for an independent (so not Exxon) > exploration and production company? So you’d > basically be doing financial forecasting and > modeling for the drilling and stuff. Plus those > guys are super levered, and most uses hedges, so > it seems like there’d be a lot of moving parts. > Seems interesting. > > But you’d probably have to live in Oklahoma City > or Fort Worth. i’m a financial analyst for a large (read: integrated) oil company in canada, and our valuations are very complex. the oil sands produces a whole whack of extra inputs and outputs for a model. diluent costs, other chemicals, co2, etc etc. not to mention all the different final products you can end up with (SCO vs bitumen). its really interesting stuff. don’t think you need to work for an indie E&P to get into some good modelling. any offshore models are also very cool, some big numbers getting thrown around…

tobias Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It is actually more like 6:1. The gas contract is > quoted in MMBtu. A barrel of oil has something > close to 6 million Btus. that’s what my guy says too, henry hub compared to wti

yes, the energy value is 6:1, but natural gas hasn’t traded at 1/6th the value of oil in quite some time. post 9/11 really. oil is a fungible world wide commodity, where as gas is domestic (usually). though that is shifting with the increase in LNG shipping.