Hi ccs297, I think I would focus on getting the CFA out of the way, given that you can only write it once a year. I think it is the less stressful option to do CFA in June then CAIA in September.
I disagree they are both fairly complementary. I’m taking level 3 and I I’ll also attempt level 2 caia this spring. There is enough time in between march and June to really narrow your focus. A fresh review of level 1 and 2 material will aid in caia 2 and vice versa. Of course, if you are insanely busy then perhaps just do the one. I did the caia as off season training for level 3 and I think it worked out.
The only issue I have about doing CAIA in September is I enjoy nice weather and beautiful beaches. Chicken I’m surprised I passed as well.
I like the caia strategy. Make the test hard so that people respect it, but pass almost everyone so they enroll for level 2 - then stick it to them hard.
I will do both CFA L3 and CAIA L2 in spring. I think it is worth a try and after all I know that L3 is no cakewalk coz I failed it in June 2010 but… it should be doable if I can motivate myself to crack open the CFAI curriculum for the first time.
Regarding my decision about doing CAIA in spring, I am going to evaluate it. Not sure if I’ll use the Schweser or just buy the book.
chicken’s got a good point about strategy, I agree that caia lets you in the door level I… i can see how level II could be the real challenge If us CFA candidates think we just barely passed, I’d say the CAIA candidates that don’t have CFA experience are the ones that fail.
got result in Singapore. passed. I used Schweser for level 1. upppermark or Schweser for level 2 ?
I’m going to use Schweser as that is what 7City give you here in the UK (without the Q Bank). I have never seen an Uppermark book so I can’t comment what they are like. I might try and get hold of the underlying text books too - depending on how expensive they are
ccs297 - I have no CFA experience and passed.
congrats mc123, I amend my statement to read “candidates without CFA experience are more likely to fail” I definitely needed to rely on some of my CFA prep… you are ahead of the curve I think, go for the CFA
haha, nobody has admitted to failing yet. This is funny. Come on, somebody, admit it.
There is not a huge chance that any muppet that found (and used) this forum is gonna fail CAIA L1 But I really think the pass rate for CAIA L1 is also very high because of the fact that quite many that survived the torture of the CFA just sign up “for fun” on this. I heard that for example last years Swiss CAIA Candidates had like 25% of CFA Charterholders + there should be quite some CFA Candidates as well.
Butterich Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > But I really think the pass rate for CAIA L1 is > also very high because of the fact that quite many > that survived the torture of the CFA just sign up > “for fun” on this. +1
Perfect example of selection/reporting bias. Lots of passes here because this is where a succcessful candidate would be right now. Also, a fail is less likely to report, so even some survivor bias. That said, given my whopping 40 ish hours of study, no practice exams at all and less than 20 concept checkers, I agree, a pretty easy exam. Pass
PASS…no CFA experience but planning on taking Level 1 in June as well as CAIA Level 2 in March. Onward!
Any word on pass rate?