Are you meeting your potential?

I met my potential yesterday. He laughed at me then kicked me in the nuts. I’m not sure how to interpret that.

I’m not sure where you got that fact. I’m definitely a 2-3 times a day guy (one way or another). But I’m not 35 quite yet so talk to me later this year.

I imagine you have a healthy prostate. Supposedly, a twice daily whack, or similar, is more beneficial than any medication.

^^ I heard it from multiple sources. Someone might have even mentioned it in here but I can’t remember

I definitely hope it’s not the case for most men

It’s true. It will happen to The dynamo STL too. Even he would agree he’s not 18 anymore…

I was counting on being proved wrong…

Hate to break it to you, but your vaginal walls are getting thinner by the day. You won’t be able to handle my multi-orgasmic-ness for much longer anyway.

I wasn’t aware I have already been handling your multi-orgasmic capacity :slight_smile:

a cream pie should get the message across

not sure what conversation I just walked into but if I am going to lose the ability to go more than once a day I best get to enjoying life a little bit more while I still can.

It is a good thing I don’t use my work computer to check AF.

Or a spiderman

^ WTF. This thread needs to be shut down. Or at least marked NSFW.

This has become far more interesting than the usual Friday afternoon drivel around here.

Why the F am I still here? It’s upper 70s and sunny out. I should be on a patio drinking.

There are no bad NFSW pictures here.

Sounds like something you would get in the Junk Mail