Are you somewhat dismissive of the value of a CFA education?

have passed L1 & L2 i feel like i have learned SOOOO much more than i did in my undergrad. my knowledge of finance is 10x better thsan what it was wehn i left my undergrad finance program maybe its bc ive been working for 4 years and that i’ve been using everything i’ve learned

RahulMulchandani Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I disagree. I’ve done my MBA from a Tier -2 > college in India where the education wasn’t very > deep. It’s the CFA Program that took me a lot > deeper to Finance - especially in Equity, Fixed > Income, PM and Derivatives; all of which will be > useful in my Job Search. lol, this is a sad post. it will not help you in your job search. quit collecting letters bro

SuperiorReturn, RAhul is not collecting letters. Only MBA and CFA, just nice. There’re ppl out there keep getting letters. I saw ppl got (CPA, CFA, MBA), or (LLM, CFA, MBA), or (CFA, Msc, FRM), but I haven’t seen anyone has four or above. Anyone here knows someone that have 4 or above titles behind their names? Impress me plz.

I’ve seen CFA,FRM,CAIA,PhD