Best city you've worked in (For finance & banking)

NYC is the best city in the world.

oh boy

Toronto is where it’s at. Home of Drizzy, the Raps, and CFA central.

Coincidently it is also called the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

What’s the air quality like in Hong Kong? i thought it was pretty bad. Also the sub-tropical climate might take a bit of getting used to for someone from London. Similar issues in Singapore.

What is it you want to work at anyway? There are finance jobs in almost every city in the world of some sort or another. You don’t necessarily have to move to a major world city. Do you speak a second language?

Totally agree, always seems like a more chilled out vibe.

only worked in la. but i think san francisco is prolly the best. its pretty chilly there year round. summers are the best though. home of the unicorns. plus you are closer to tech. and tech is where everyone wants to be nowadays.

Neryblop - how is the LA life? big finance presence there?

ive only worked near ucla. beverly hills/century city. but i know there are some fin firms in downtown la and newport beach. i live smack dab in the middle of it in the southbay. all 3 are like within 20 min to an hr. also keep in mind that hrs here start around 6am. and you can prolly leave work around 2pm so no real traffic. always sunny. never too cold or warm. i live 5 min from the beach that i can go year round. if i want to snowboard i am a couple hrs away. vegas is 5 hrs away. the only bad thing is real estate prices and rental costs, but im sure this is the case in other major cities.

^i need to go visit.

need to bring lots of sunscreen as i burn easily.

wow this is very similar to what i wrote above about SF (never personally worked in SF but heard from 2 close friends who moved out there from NYC)…Sounds good man…

leave work around 2PM is the best…

what’s the crime like in those areas? also is LA in a quake zone? I was on the West Coast for a summer and I’ve been thinking of going back ever since.

been here 15 years. never been robbed so low crime. earthquakes happen but its never a big deal for me. i’ve seen some of the earthquakes in other parts of the world in the news and our shit is never like that.

If I were to go to a major centre to work, SFO would be it. Or Brussels. But never worked in either, just places I’ve visited alot that seem like good places to live/work. COL is insane in SFO though from what I understand.

SF for me too.

Shall we all join Google Capital

you guys wanna live in compton to save dough on rent?

that was random…

to answer your question…um no, Plus, Compton and SF are not exaclty close…

see you joke about google. but i had a classmate who did ib at a bb for 3 years then went to work for google after.

compton is still a rough place. i wouldnt do it. other places are being redeveloped and gentrified. los angeles is getting an influx of new money. from tech. new stadium. inglewood/hawthorne. their prop values have risen like crazy, and will prolly rise more. i was thinkin of buying a condo for like 200k as a investment prop. now its like 300k. less than a year later. insaneeee

Know a guy at Google Capital too, didn’t even do a finance undergrad and went straight to Google Capital out of engineering undergrad. Dude is one of the smartest guys on this planet, though. To address the thread topic, for me its LA/San Diego/and potentially SF. Visited last summer and have been actively trying to move since.

Google Capital sounds so good to me. I would love that place.

I have a friend from college who lives in Irvine. He loves it. Plays golf almost everyday after work lol. And he goes for a run at the beach at 6AM on the weekends. Thought these only happen in the movies…