Just got my results…pass. Anybody else able to see their results?
Results are out!
PASS!!! tsege tsege
Passed! OMG this wait has been horrible! thank goodness
congrats to all who passed
whaats the pass mark?
PASS!!! Yessss I was definitely feeling borderline going into it, I’m pumped
For those waiting for an email, I didn’t get mine yet. Login to the CAIA website.
Passed!!! Thanks to everyone for all your help. Bout to get a bottle of tequila and go buck wild.
Got my distribution. 1 comparable, 1 stronger, higher in everything else.
i heard 61% pass rate, anyone confirm?
Confirmed. That is what the letter from CAIA said.
wow thats low. march was also 59%
Passed as well! Congrats everyone! I got higher in Ethics and Private Equity, comparable in Structured Products, and stronger in everything else. On to Level II Now!
they should of tweeted an update to all
Congrats highbeta!
Pass as well. My email was time stamped 10:40 AM ET.
And it’s interesting to see the release time was consistent as well in year’s past…about 10 AM ET…
Passed. Where can we see the score report?