hey guys,
so here’s the deal with me. ill try to make this short and sweet. i graduated from a so-so unversity. got my undergraduate and masters in finance there. i went to grad school after a year of work in the real world. after that, i worked at a smaller investment bank local to me. while that was good, i felt that it wasn’t exactly the path i wanted. so i embarked in the cfa curriculum in hopes to getting into a more challenging role such as equity research or asset/portfolio management. my plan is to have equity research lead into a portfolio management role after a few years of experience.
now, i work at a major investment bank. however, i work in back-office operations. and i know people say that i shouldn’t stay here too long (coming upt to a year now in a two months) so im really trying to branch out. my dilemma is this:
should i stay in this back-office role until i complete level 2 since my current office function is administrative and isn’t very time-consuming. i do the regular 9 -5, don’t talk to clients, back-office paperwork so i have plenty of time to study after and before, and sometimes even during work. Or should i seek an immediate role in equity research, the only problem is that i fear i will lose time and the energy to put forth into my cfa work with that career move. thanks.