CFA Level 1 June 2012 Results

I didnt get the email yet!!!

Multiple Choice

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Investments 8 - * - - Corporate Finance 20 - - * - Derivatives 12 - * - - Economics 24 - - * - Equity Investments 24 - - * - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - * - Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - - * - Fixed Income Investments 28 - - * - Portfolio Management 12 - - * - Quantitative Methods 28 - - *

Multiple Choice

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Investments 8 - * - - Corporate Finance 20 - - * - Derivatives 12 - * - - Economics 24 - - * - Equity Investments 24 - - * - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - * - Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - - * - Fixed Income Investments 28 - - * - Portfolio Management 12 - - * - Quantitative Methods 28 - - *

Are they sending passes first? I cant take this anticipation

Phew passed…was really worried about Ethics… I can confirm pass rate is 38%.

#TopicMax Pts<=50%51%-70%>70% -Alternative Investments8 --* -Corporate Finance20 --* -Derivatives12 --* -Economics24 *-- -Equity Investments24 --* -Ethical & Professional Standards36 -*- -Financial Reporting & Analysis48 --* -Fixed Income Investments28 --* -Portfolio Management12 --* -Quantitative Methods28 -*-

Thanks blackomen, these pages were getting long

I sure hope not. I was thinking the same thing…

still no email!!! :frowning:

Its either that or right now only passing people are posting their results

I can’t understand how send a few thousand emails can take this long :frowning:

Passed…tops in AI, CF, Econ, Ethics, FRA…2nd tier in Derivs, EQ, FI, PM, Quant. The email should read “Congrats on ruining the first half of your 2013”

Men it is over. I passed

Congratulations! We are very pleased to inform you that you passed the June 2012 Level I CFA exam. 38% of candidates passed the June 2012 Level I CFA exam. You are one step closer to achieving your goal of earning the globally respected CFA charter. Registration for the June 2013 Level II CFA exam will be available tomorrow, 25 July after 9:00 a.m. EDT on the CFA Institute website. (Please note that you must have a valid international travel passport to register. Learn more about the identification policy.)

A summary of your exam results is provided below. The three columns on the right are marked with asterisks to indicate your performance on each topic area.

Please contact us if you have questions or comments about the CFA Program.

Multiple Choice

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Investments 8 - * - - Corporate Finance 20 - - * - Derivatives 12 - - * - Economics 24 - * - - Equity Investments 24 - * - - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - - * - Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - - * - Fixed Income Investments 28 - * - - Portfolio Management 12 * - - - Quantitative Methods 28 - * -

Yea after the initial euphoria … i went ‘Damn. i have to study again now’

still waiting, are they first send results to all those who passed first :frowning:

or in the order of performance…

I sure hope not =(

I sure hope not =(

maybe its by candidate ID number…

I said it on June 2nd and I’ll say it again, I’d be really shocked if I didn’t pass. Just based on how I fared on the practice tests and how much easier I felt the real thing was. … All this waiting though, I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t pass.

hope so