ValueAddict Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Cjones??? Why does everybody think I’m everybody? I’m not anybody other than me.

cjones65 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ValueAddict Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Cjones??? > > > Why does everybody think I’m everybody? I’m not > anybody other than me. _Ananda?

You came along way my nigga

CvM’s son: found.

depends, do you want the easy life or hard life?

MBA (average 2 years) for the former, CFA (average 4 years) for the latter.

You need to know they are not comparable even…MBA does not qualify for “vs” with CFA

I’ve done both … MBA then CFA and could got my PhD faster after the MBA

Personal opinion and best of luck


CFA 4 years? It takes 18 months to take all exams.

huh? come again? are we talking about the same CFA, MBA and PhD here??? this is some bugs bunny talk


Listen mr nerd

if it took you 18 months to finish it, it also took some others 7 years to get it done

CFAI published it officially that on average it takes 4 years

I’m talking facts here not opinion…so you better keep your mouth shut if you don’t get what I said or if you can’t distinguish between a fact and an opinion

Stop saying it take 18 months, you need to study for Level 1, it takes times… So, at least 2 years.

You likely not need 6 months to study for level 1, but i’m with you on this… it’s not really 18 months at all!

Yes hungry bunny


nah you got it all wrong there CFA > Top10 MBA

Because you know you gotta know them CAPM and LIFO stuff hahahaha

these are level 1 mr. loser

get to know the material well shameful charterholder

hmmm CAPM and its components are big part of the AM section of the level 3 looooooser lmao

Oh! Is this guy for real! Such an idiot…trust me in that

it’s much less in level 3 than level 1…don’t try to be smart mr. Idiot


nope you are way wrong…i am for fake

how much less in level 1 compared to level 3? i think capm and its components are also tested on levels 2 and 4??? Mrs. Ediot

iCAPM as well.

nah brah CFA < Top 10 MBA