Chicago MSFM

DoubleDip Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > what are you doing to prepare? I took it in Dec > 2006 and even with all of my math background, > could not have done well without preparation, as > this isn’t my normal line of work so I don’t agree > with “i hear the quant guys who have been doing > quant work can ace it with no preparation.” (It’s > the time pressure and format of the test that > people have to prepare for, it’s not the material, > though overpreparation does not hurt!) > > Get busy preparing, use Barron’s GRE prep and if > you are taking the subject test, get prep books > for that too. you don’t have too much time… > good luck! Thanks for the advice and agree with you. Its not the material, its the time limit and computer based format, and the fact that you havent done a suare root of 73 by hand in ages. But on all the quant forums people brag about how they all got 800 without studying. They could be lying. Back in grad school I took the GMAT without much prep and got over 700. But now i am too far removed from that geometry and arithmetic of it all. I am using GRE Math bible and I find it to have good question in it and a good summary.

why don’t you call the admissions office and explain the situation. Tell them you are exempt because you graduated before 2007, etc. You might be surprised with the result. There is a reasonable chance you won’t have to take GRE.

needhelp Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Not sure anyone would comment: > > I want to be more in a quantitative finance role, > may be work at a hedge fund. I was thinking of > doing CQF (still am) as a crash course in quant > finance. I have a solid math background. > > Today I was talking to a Booth graduate and she > said I should look into MSFM. Its prestigious. > Moreover, the advantage is the networking and new > connections I could make. Chicago is a finance > hub. > > So I started thinking about it, and yes, I think > one huge advantage of Haas or Chicago is the entry > into an exclusive club. Would CQF offer that? Then > is started looking at the MSFM program and > unfortunately I have missed the deadline. I then > looked at Haas and their late application deadline > is October 1. > > So I can either put together something in a hurry, > take GRE in a week and apply. Or I can do CQF. Or > I can wait a year and try and get into one of the > 2 programs. It wouldn’t make sense to do both CQF > and go to school. The CQF would cost me $16K. MFE > or MSFM would cost multiples of that. I am going > to the NYC info session for CQF and I would ask > them about this networking advantage the schools > seem to have. Also, the school would help with > placement. Would CQF? Dude, your all over the map; first CQF…then no…next MFE…then no…now MBA? Thought we were gonna double team the CQF in Jan… :stuck_out_tongue:

get the Barron’s book. Challenging problems, should suffice…I studied it for a week and a half and did well on quant…can’t say the same for verbal.