Chipotle - killed off diced tomatoes ?!

You can’t just make the extrapolative argument that an ingredient change cannot have happened because Chipotle’s “whole strategy is quality”. That’s like if I brought my Toyota to a mechanic shop because the engine blew up, but then I insisted that the engine cannot have blown up because “Toyota’s strategy is reliability”. Either something happened or it didn’t.

Why bother to argue with this clown? He’s trying to argue something that we personally experienced and he has no idea about.

Update: I had Chipotle last night and enjoyed the Fresh Tomato Salsa in all its glory.

I still think this could be the next Krispy Kreme. I’m still a fan of any fast food restaurant that serves alcohol.

I talked to the manager of the Chipotle near me, and she confirmed there was a recipe change that was implemented. But they received mass complaints of the diced tomatoes, and immediately went back to the original recipe.

But how can this be? Blake assured us otherwise. He works at an ad agency, he does this for a living. You are such a liar. You suck. You are a kid. Did I mention he works at an ad agency?

in blake we trust!

I know every employee of Chipotle and they assured me that this was not an experiment and that the diced tomatos never left the menu, they were just present in a different form.

“present in a different form” TRANSLATED -> “changed to yield higher margins”

yeah, just like hamburgers never left Mcdonalds menu but are no present as lips, ears, genitals and entrails compressed into a hamburger pattie.

lmao i’m like lmao Holy hell, I visit this forum maybe once a month. Do you retards realise that Columbus, OH is the #1 test market in the US? Hard to believe I stopped posting in this forum in 2005.

Wow I think its time you stop posting again. You are just looking more and more stupid with every post. No where in that article do they mention Chiptole. The only 2 fast food restaurants they mention are Wendy’s and White Castle. Plus it says over 20 restaurants are headquartered in Columbus yet those SOBs yet Chipotle decided to setup their HQ in Colorado! The nerve I tell yea! The nerve!

In this thread, a bunch of 22 year olds who think that a major corporate owned chain restaurant is trying to cheapen its image and go against its marketing strategy in the largest city in the United States. Seriously kids, stop posting on this.

From Chipolte: Dear lbriscoe, Thank you for writing and your interest in our salsas. Unfortunately, I’m not sure I have enough information to answer your question. We have introduced a new roasted tomato salsa in one of our markets to replace our fresh tomato salsa. The response was overwhelmingly in favor of the fresh salsa so we’ve started offering them both together. We haven’t yet decided on our plans from here. We may conclude the roasted tomato test or we may expand it based on customer interest. If this wasn’t the salsa you are asking about, can you tell me which of our restaurants had the salsa? Could you describe the new salsa you encountered? We are testing new things all the time and I’d love to help you if I can. Thank you for writing and we look forward to serving you again soon!

Why would you email Chipotle when you can just ask our very own Chipotle-expert Blake McCallister?

observant Chipotle fresh salsa afficionados would point out that this salsa was pulled out of the market in the early summer of 2008 as well, then quickly reintroduced

blake, you need to take a moment and just “live, laugh, love”

One reason that could totally explain blake’s insanity and lack of reason: he owns chipotle stock. People tend to get emotional on stocks they own. classic.

Blake, didn’t you get the ol’ bums rush from fna@g? Once my moderator status is official, you’ll be getting a roundhouse to the chops off AF. Try yahoo message boards.

Wahoos>Chipotle>Baja Fresh