Chomsky believes Trump is the worst criminal in human history

Well, this is the main point of Dunning-Kruger. Being objective is not the issue here. HAving or not having the knowledge to evaluate a subject is the issue. So you are saying that you can make better decisions by just reading the both sides than the experts who spend decades in their field researching on these topics, publish papers, getting peer reviews, etc.

The thing is you do not have enough knowledge (ie. ignorant) about an issue but you think you have and trust your own judgment more than the experts based on your ignorance. Are you giving psychiatric evaluations on people, too, after reading some stuff on the internet? How about Covid19? I guess we should stop listening to all those epidemiologist about the Coronavirus and start listening to you. :laughing:

By the way just so you know Climate Change science does not depend on only one field of science. It is covered by multiply fields from geology to chemistry, paleontology, etc because that is how you learn about the history of Earth. But I think you have enough knowledge in all of them.

As I said earlier I would like to learn your “expert” opinion about physics, dark matter, black holes, etc, too, after you read the both sides. Please enlighten us with your extreme knowledge on multiple fields by just reading several articles on newspapers and internet. :laughing:

It’s much better than your methodology which is reading science fiction and claiming that’s our future. Neither of us are experts. But I’m pretty sure I’m smarter than you because I’m a charterholder :slight_smile: so kindly bow down to my charter.
Also it’s like if I make a guess about what the stock market will do this year. Are you just going to believe that because I’m an expert?
What if a doctor tells you, you have cancer and you need an operation? You aren’t going to get a second opinion? You just trust the first professional you see?
finally just so we’re clear here. we are literally arguing about the rate of change of climate. we arent arguing about global warming. i agree its happening. i just dont agree that global warming will cause millions of people to die within 100 years or even 200 years. i imagine will react appropriately as thigns get worse. you think that its goign to be an immediate effect we cant counter. which is pretty stupid.
its like covid. everyone thinks covid is this deadly ass plague. it isnt. if this was the black plague. 120m americans would be dead. instead 250k are dead. the response nowadays for even minor diseases is just hilarious imo.

You missed what I was saying.

I forget many CFA material, too. It is not the point.

You have CFA, work in a field of finance, let’s derivatives, for years. You have been in fact doing research on derivatives, publish papers, etc. Since you may forgotten some stuff about stock valuation etc since it is not the field you work on every day today, it does not mean that a high school gym teacher has the knowledge and the expertise to judge and evaluate the papers you wrote about derivatives by just reading several internet memes and some FoxNews articles about it. It is that simple.

Are you saying this? Are you saying that a high school janitor or coach or teacher, etc. can know enough to judge your work???

A person who is seen as an expert by his peers would only laugh at that high school teacher with his ass as scientists working on Climate Change would have laughed at Nerdy if they had seen what he wrote here.

Well, my way of thinking is I am aware of my ignorance on many topics in life and don’t think I am knowledgeable enough to judge the work of experts who spend their decades in those particular fields. I know how scientific methodology works and how we we find what is true or not. One took humans to the moon, the others are still teaching high school gym class.

What you guys are saying is like since you changed your tires of your car several times, you can correct and judge the assessment of a mechanic who got educated on and spent ears working on cars about the sound coming from engine of your car. :laughing:

Yeah, sure. Continue in this path to respect ignorance.

Are black holes science fiction, too? Why not? Please let us know your assessment on black holes. Please!!! :sweat_smile:

1st of i dont know how to change my tires. i dont even know how to pop my hood. but i find my mechanics based on their yelp reviews. which have a very high likelihood of being fake. so i go to multiple mechanics to see what they say. and depending on the price they charge me, and who says the same things. i will trust that person. i can easily tell who the bad ones are using this method.

it sounds like scinece fiction. but i buy it. hell even the big bang is a weird concept. but that’s because of the era we are in, and what i’ve been taught. imagine 500 years ago when everyone thought the world was flat. even the smartest people thought the same way. i would imagine 500 years from now, that what we think we know is not what is commonly accepted. hell 2500 years ago pedos were considered ok behavior. now in the philippines we send death squads.

Are we talking about one doctor here? Or are we talking about the whole science of Climate Change?

So you go to a doctor. He says you have cancer. You go to another doctor. He agrees that you have that cancer. You go to another one. He says yes, they are right, you have cancer. You visit 100 doctors and all they say you have cancer. (This is called peer review in science. Scientists in a field check each other’s work constantly before publishing papers. Just so you know)

But one day you read on the internet that your symptoms may not be a cancer but actually meningitis. ANd you say,Ye, yes, yes… I don’t have cancer. I am just being objective and this thing is not cancer.

Dude, as you write more and more, you look dumber and dumber. :laughing:

Dude, you don’t agree based on what? BAsed on your ignorance? What do you know on the issue? You don’t even know how ignorant you are?

At least you admitted that you suffer from Dunning-Kruger syndrome. That is a progress.

again we are arguing about the rate of which climate change is happening. i agree with eeryone that climate change is happening. i just dont think it will kill everyone the way you do and that the damage we do is irreverisble or that we cant find a solution. the rate of change is minimal and i think that people even the the bangladeshi will figure out a way to not drown.
at this point i told you facts about hte rate of change. all you came up with is some fictional story that is possible but not probable.
if a car was driving at a 100mph but sees a car accident. i think a reasonable person would slow down the car. y ou on the other hand think the person is retarded and wont use the breaks.

And what makes you think that you are knowledgeable enough to make a judgement on the rate? I asked you before. I ask again you assume that the change is proportional based on what? Because you just think so??? No answer yet.

Anyway I am done. Enough lesson for epistemology for you.

circles here buddy. i am saying its probably not proportional. but we can measure the rate of change as we go. this isnt the point of no return. if things get worse. we can easily fix the issue. im just saying that the rate of change before is slow so there is nothing to worry about for now. if it speeds up to a ridiculous level, then i will switch camps. but that is not the case.

For the record, I kind of like this Tansut fellow.

The dark lord has an apprentice

I am taking some degree of pleasure in this analogy.

wow 100k to 500k…kill me

it is what it is :). still top 4% for my age group! what percentile are yall?
i feel like net worth is the new sat scores.

Careful with your wording, buddy. That’s pretty close to an ethics violation.

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claiming to have superior performance is a violation? but what if you went 3 for 3 in 18 months?