yes, it’s safe to say some of you are indeed losing it.
Chuck Norris set MPS.
A “Chuck Norris” is a post-offer takeover defense mechanism wherein a company engages a bearded rogue mercenary to unleash a fury of fists and flying roundhouse kicks on the acquiror’s ass.
In most cases, the acquiror ceases to exist.
Chuck Norris uses modern portfolio theory WITHOUT including a risk free asset. All assets are risk free to chuck norris.
Chuck Norris must always use the acquisition method when he buys a stock. He alwas has control.
Porter did not come up with 5 forces. He had 5 suggestions and held his breath until Chuck Norris nodded in approval.
You can find Chuck Norris under “Tools of Regulatory Intervention”
I just lauged out loud whilst studying. This is great.
The healthcare REIT one was pretty damn good too.
Chuck Norris’ R squared is 100% and his p- value is zero
LOL… too good
Sorry I don’t have one to contribute.