Countdown to Shutdown

Ever have a 6 year old who didn’t convince you to buy the toy they liked in the store? It’s more or less the same thing, just with adults in suits and easy media access.

I hope no one in Congress and the House gets reelected.

While our president still enjoys his essential employees and locations: the White House chefs, Camp David, and a military golf course, there doesn’t seem to be any question that in mercenary pursuit of a political win, this White House is determined to unreasonably punish as many everyday people as possible. And this includes children sick with cancer. That might sound like hyperbole, but it is not. Although Barack Obama’s chefs have been deemed “essential,” employees at the National Institutes of Health who offer last-chance experimental cancer treatments for children suffering from cancer have not. Worse still, House Republicans have offered to compromise with the president and single the NIH out for funding. The White House has threatened a veto. Using children sick with cancer as pawns is community organizing on steroids. And the media are covering for him. When the media thought they could emotionally blackmail the GOP with these sick children, telling their story was all the rage. Now that it is Obama and Senate Democrats wrist-flicking refusing treatment for these children, suddenly the media aren’t too interested in telling their story. There are many other examples of this president’s cold-hearted fanaticism and willingness to punish people for reasons that seem to have much more to with spite than what is and is not “essential.” In fact, there are a number of examples where Obama seems to be spending more money and using more resources to close and block and inconvenience than to just leave it alone. The media may or may not report on these individual occurrences, but what they will never do is provide the American people with the full context and scope of Obama’s shrill pettiness. Below is a list of illogical, unnecessary, and shockingly spiteful moves our government is making in the name of essential and non-essential. – 1. Treatments for Children Suffering From Cancer - The GOP have agreed to a compromise by funding part of the government, including the National Institutes of Health, which offers children with cancer last-chance experimental treatment. Obama has threatened to veto this funding. 2. The World War II Memorial - The WWII memorial on the DC Mall is a 24/7 open-air memorial that is not regularly staffed. Although the White House must have known that WWII veterans in their eighties and nineties had already booked flights to visit this memorial, the White House still found the resources to spitefully barricade the attraction. The Republican National Committee has offered to cover any costs required to keep the memorial open. The White House refused. Moreover, like the NIH, the GOP will pass a compromise bill that would fund America’s national parks. Obama has threatened to veto that bill. 3. Furloughed Military Chaplains Not Allowed to Work for Free - Furloughed military chaplains willing to celebrate Mass and baptisms for free have been told they will be punished for doing so. 4. Business Stops In Florida Keys - Although the GOP have agreed to compromise in the ongoing budget stalemate and fund the parks, Obama has threatened to veto that funding. As a result, small businesses, hunters, and commercial fisherman can’t practice their trade. While the feds have deemed the personnel necessary to keep this area open “non-essential,” the “enforcement officers” to ensure no business is done are “essential.” 5. Obama Blacks Out Sports, Entertainment Programming to Overseas Troops - The American Forces Network (AFN) that provides American sports and entertainment programming to our troops stationed abroad, has been shut down. For some reason, though, AFN News will still broadcast news, just not any of the popular and fun stuff. Camp David is essential, but popular programming for heroes overseas is non-essential. 6. Obama Closes D-Day Memorial - The GOP have offered to compromise and fund the National Parks. Obama has said he will veto this compromise legislation. As a result, along with 24 other military cemeteries, the D-Day memorial in Normandy has been barricaded. 7. Obama Tries to Close Privately-Funded Mt. Vernon - Although George Washington’s Mt. Vernon estate is privately funded, the feds blocked visitors from entering the parking area because the Park Service maintains the lot. Apparently, the New Media publicity resulted in the feds backing down. 8. Obama Closes Over 100 Privately-Managed Parks That Cost No Money to Run - The U.S. Treasury actually makes money from the rent paid by a private company that “employs about 400-500 camp workers and managers across about a dozen states.” No federal money is used to operate these parks. No federal employees are used to staff these parks. Taxpayers make a profit from these parks. Still, Obama had them closed and as a result 400-500 employees and a private business are taking it in the neck. 9. Obama Closes Self-Sustaining Colonial Farm It Hasn’t Supported Since 1980 - “For the first time in 40 years, the National Park Service (NPS) has finally succeeded in closing the Farm down to the public. In previous budget dramas, the Farm has always been exempted since the NPS provides no staff or resources to operate the Farm.” 10. Obama Tries to Close State-Run Parks in Wisconsin - “The park service ordered state officials to close the northern unit of the Kettle Moraine, Devil’s Lake, and Interstate state parks and the state-owned portion of the Horicon Marsh, but state authorities rebuffed the request because the lion’s share of the funding came from state, not federal coffers.” 11. Obama Closes Vietnam Memorial - The GOP have passed compromise legislation that would fund national memorials and parks, and open them to the public. Obama threatened a veto. Apparently, the “essential” government employees are those erecting barricades, not those who could keep the memorial open. 12. Obama Closes Privately-Owned Hotel, Police Block Parking Lot - “The operator of a 51-room inn located on U.S. government-owned land in North Carolina abandoned his defiant stance on Thursday to keep the property open despite being ordered to close as part of the federal government shutdown.” October is this inn’s prime season. The GOP have offered compromise funding opening the parks. Obama said he will veto that compromise. State troopers blocked customers from entering the inn’s parking lot. 13. Park Service Ranger: ‘We’ve Been Told to Make Life As Difficult For People As We Can’ - “It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park Service ranger in Washington says of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting.” 14. Obama Forces Residents Out of Private Homes - “The government shutdown is being felt close to home for some locals. They say they’re being forced out of private homes on Lake Mead because they sit on federal land.” The GOP have agreed to fund the parks. Obama has threatened a veto.

  1. Acadia Park In Maine Shut Down - ‘“We’ve been training for two years at CrossFit for this hike – no kidding,” Hart said. She added that the shutdown should be as inconvenient for the Washington politicians who caused it as it is for average citizens.’ The GOP have agreed to fund the parks. Obama said he will veto. 16. Historic Restaurant Open During Last Shutdown Forced to Close - "An iconic Philadelphia restaurant has been forced to close its doors and turn away booked parties because of the government shutdown. . . . “Restaurant public relations director Molly Yun said they were notified there was a possibility a closure might happen, but they were allowed to remain open during the last government shutdown 17 years ago.” The restaurant is part of the federal park system, which the GOP have agreed to fund. Obama said he will veto the funding. 17. Obama Shuts Down a Road Tha Goes Through CO Park: “The Forest Service announcement, in turn, led the Pitkin County commissioners to order that Maroon Creek Road be shut down at the height of the colorful leaf-changing season. Ahead of what is to be one of the busiest weekends of the fall, the road is to be closed to vehicles at T-Lazy-7 Ranch, pending a resolution to the government shutdown.” The GOP have agreed to fund the parks. Obama said he will veto that compromise funding. 18. Residents Plan Protest of Cape Hatteras Closing - "Businesses and residents on the Outer Banks have planned a peaceful protest of the closure of Hatteras Island’s beaches due to the government shut down. “The U.S. House Wednesday passed a measure to reopen national parks and monuments. It will now go to the U.S. Senate.” In the unlikely event the Democrat Senate passes the bill, Obama has threatened a veto of any compromise legislation opening the parks. 19. Obama Blocks People From LOOKING at Mt. Rushmore - "Blocking access to trails and programs at South Dakota’s most popular attraction was one thing, but state officials didn’t expect Congress’ budget stalemate to shut down a view of Mount Rushmore. “The National Park Service placed cones along highway viewing areas outside Mount Rushmore this week, barring visitors from pulling over and taking pictures of the famed monument. The cones first went up Oct. 1, said Dusty Johnson, Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s chief of staff. The state asked that they be taken down, and federal officials did so with some of them. The state was told the cones were a safety precaution to help channel cars into viewing areas rather than to bar their entrance.” 20. Crucial USDA Websites Taken Down - "The U.S. Department of Agriculture has turned off its entire website in response to the government shutdown, leaving farmers, reporters and others with no way to access any of the agency’s information online. . . . “USDA’s total website shutdown goes far beyond the response of other federal agencies, and seems to be part of an effort to make people feel the effects of the shutdown. Thursday morning calls to USDA’s press office seeking an explanation were not answered.” This website is down and yet the ObamaCare and White House websites are up. 21. St. Louis Gateway Arch Closed - The GOP have agreed to compromise legislation funding the parks. Obama has threatened a veto.

^ link?

It appears US politicians are as corrupt as indian ones

The bigger problem in India is a corrupt civil service. Politicians are fairly corrupt the world over.

What a steaming pile of crap…Breitbarts mean spirit and delusion survive him and he has passed the torch to his equals in the house. If you can’t see the transparent gaming taking place here and understand why the administration would rightly choose not to bite on this nonsense you are nieve!

People able to connect the dots understand that the very people leading us to this point are those now trying to spin themselves as being the caring people…when all they actually care about is fighting for the “cheese” of all the monied interests so deep into their pocket (health care providers, insurance, etc).

^ Insurance companies love Obamacare. It gives them 30 million new customers, most of them young and healthy.

Do we think that US government workers that have been furloughed and been on unpaid vacation… should they be given back pay for the time that they didn’t work? Obviously anybody who worked during the shutdown should get paid.

Thoughts? I much as it would suck to not get your regular paycheck, giving somebody full pay for zero work also seems wrong.

I want to revisit this point.

I read a syndicated article by Thomas Sowell (who is not exactly the most bipartisan person in the world, but I digress) that basically said that he agreed that Obamacare wast the law of the land (whether that be good or bad), because it was appropriately passed by both houses of Congress, signed by the President, and constitutionally upheld by the Supreme Court.

However, the Constitution specifically stipulates that all spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives, which is controlled by Republicans, 232-200. If the Democrats can ramrod Obamacare down the nation’s throats, then why do we then blame the Republicans for doing whatever is in their power to stop it? They have exercised their Constitutional rights, and been just as forceful about stopping Obamacare as the Democrats were in forcing it on the nation.

It may be just as forceful as Obamacare legislation, but the potential impact isn’t even in the same league. You can’t compare the two. The republicans started playing a game of chicken without an exit strategy. They don’t even agree on what they are trying to “win” with this. Which makes them the losers. I don’t know how any rational person doesn’t see that.

If there was more guys like this dude, more of my friends would vote for Republicans:

NSKEEP: You have written, though, that you seem to think that it’s unwise strategy for the House Republicans to go after Obamacare in this particular way. What did you mean by that?

WILL: I mean it wouldn’t work. A tactic is supposed to have at least an articulable path to victory and success. And I don’t see it.

WILL: Yep, Vietnam War. All kinds of turmoil. Then there was a big argument about the Cooper Church amendment. It said no appropriated funds shall be used to sustain the operations in Cambodia - trying to use the power of the purse to effect fundamental changes in American policy, this time in foreign policy. This is not new. This is why Madison - my hero - emphasized where you put the power of the purse.

INSKEEP: I’m glad you mention James Madison, because his name has come up in this debate. There are Republican lawmakers who have mentioned one of the Federalist Papers that he coauthored - Federalist 58 - in which he uses the phrase, the power of the purse, as being one of the great powers of the House of Representatives. I went and read that paper, read the rest of it, and there’s a part where he’s musing about a large legislature and the way that its decisions can become mysterious and passion overrules reason. Is there a risk of that in this situation?

WILL: Sure. The word “leader” appears in the Federalist Papers 13 times. By lead they really meant incite, stir up, cause problems. The political problem, as Madison understood it, is at bottom a problem of passions. And the entire architecture of our government is an attempt to moderate through a deliberative process the passions that are endemic to popular government. So, when we see passions in play, we shouldn’t be startled. That’s the problem. We knew they’re always in play. Rather we should say, how are we doing at moderating them?


I agree fully with this. The furlough might last a month, and we should recover quickly (like 1996) whereas the devastating effects of Obamacare will be felt for decades or centuries, if not forever.

[original post removed]

However, the Constitution specifically stipulates that all spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives, which is controlled by Republicans, 232-200. If the Democrats can ramrod Obamacare down the nation’s throats, then why do we then blame the Republicans for doing whatever is in their power to stop it? They have exercised their Constitutional rights, and been just as forceful about stopping Obamacare as the Democrats were in forcing it on the nation.


Yes, but if they chose this path they need to take full responsibility for the shut down. They’re trying to have it both ways, on one hand blaming the shut-down on Obama and on the other claiming they’re “exercising their Constitutional rights” to not put up a budget that would pass the Senate. Under this logic the majority party of the house would always have all of the power because they can simply pass a budget they like, which funds what they want, or burn the place down.