I agree with the OP. It annoys me even though it comes from a good place. I get it from my mom, who I would bet would be unable to look at a practice SAT, LSAT and Level 3 exam and tell which one I was taking. But don’t worry, I’ll do great!
I sit next to one all day who tells me this a few times per week in a cocky way… I just view it as comedy because he has no clue what it is like now. No more 90% pass rate and 5x the material…
im in the shower last night, expressing my excitement because I got into the 70’s on the 2010 am and my wife says “Why do you want to just barely make it? Why dont you focus on getting a great score instead of just barely scraping by.” I wanted to Ike Turner her, but I’m a gentleman.
Oh yeah, lemme do that, the last few hundred hours of study, I’ve just been farting around, let me step it up and get an “a” paper, you’re so right…
Representative bias (sample size negligence) or hindsight bias?
Been hearing that phrase non-stop for the past 3 years. Makes my blood boil. Especially when I fail. . . .
Here’s what I feel like saying back:
Yeah, dips**t and I’m sure you’ll pass your series 7. Ever heard of an exam that’s like 45 series 7’s all on one day that only 30% pass? No, you haven’t, that’s probably why you are such an idiot in the first place. I’m sure I’ll pass Level 3 if enough people tell me I will. Sure worked last year WHEN I FAILED!!!
What I get a lot of is: “oh it’s only level 3, if you passed level 2 you’ll be fine”
There are VERY few people in IT where I work that have made it through all three levels. Many have attempted and nearly all have failed at L1 or L2. When people hear that I’m going for L3 they just say, isn’t that the easiest one? I say, why don’t you take L1 and when/if you get to L3 you can make that judgement for yourself!!!
Thankfully, the only people who tell me this are a couple of recent charter holders I work with. Although, no one in my office has ever failed these tests. They all went 3/3. And even the recent guys think L3 was easy. One guy described it as the essay section as pretty formulaic and easy to predict. If that’s the case, I have way over thought this.
A guy at my work told me to make sure I did the full 200 hours. Thats what guaranteed him passing. I was like wtf when did you sit it? He was like 10 years ago…
Another guy at work was like telling me the exam was getting too easy nowdays…,… I was like really!? Well I’m finding it pretty f**ken hard.