Education Background of CFA Candidates

Yea…I was wondering the same thing. Dr. Evil is my fav. villain. Anyways, BA.Finance, MS.Accounting. Big mistake signing up for the CFA 2 years ago, but now that am here, might as well get it over with.

BBA in Finance, BBA in Accounting from Texas Tech University MS in Finance, MS in Accounting from University of Texas Start PhD in Finance in August at University of Texas - Austin.

Dauphine Paris

Please stop replying to this thread. It was initiated by someone who clubs baby seals.

BBA in Finance from no-name midwest state school. Also, I am more than proficient in the exquisite art of securities analysis.

MSC Applied Mathematics U of Alberta. ASA designation.

M.Sc. Economics and Econometrics Ph.D. Economics University of Nottingham, UK

University of Florida, BSBA University of Connecticut, MBA

Please stop replying to this thread

PhD (Passed Highschool with Difficulty) in Keggology and Bongwater Management

$tarving_Banker Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > BS Finance. No-name school in Midwest ditto

BSC (Bronze Swimming Certificate)

sct123 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > SUNY Oneonta back in the day i heard Oneonta had the most bars per capita in the state (u.s.?). ever heard that?

jbaldyga Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > back in the day i heard Oneonta had the most bars per capita in the state (u.s.?). ever heard that? If that was true - would he remember hearing that?

B.comm MSc in finance. Currently doing PhD in finance.

i did hear that. just a rumor though. Oneonta is small town with 2 colleges and many bars on basically 2 streets. Heard in the early 80’s it was named top halloween party school in Playboy. fun place for 4 years although some people try to make a career out of college.

^i know it well.

I am an arhitect