Elan's Level II Formula Sheet

I wonder will 2 monhs be enuff to remember so many formulas devil

Cant believe that they are still missing formulas in this bible

i shall make love to you bright star. lots of love.

Hey in this formula sheet pg 11 what is PC/BC stand for in the covered int rate formula? Thanks

Price Currency/Base Currency

great thx

One more quick question: what is EI ?

expected inflation

Just one thing, the computing FCFE from CFO formula is wrong. Suppose to be FCFE=CFO-FCINV+Net Borrowing

no, on the Lifo fifo section they list the impacts on lifo and fifo in the following accounts


income before tax


Total cf

EI —?

working cap

Ending Inventory.

By the way be careful with the ELAN formulas, there are more than a couple of mistakes

Thank you

Easily the most valuable post I’ve seen on AnalystForum. This should be a sticky.

Like what?

I read the whole thing and didn’t see any. However, I did see plenty that we won’t need to know.

Thank you very much yes

Goosebumps and chills.

GL everyone.

Is there a 2014 one? any new/updated formulas?

