Entrepreneurship - AF Brainstorming Startup Ideas

Consulting is optimally like providing the proper nutrition to a plant (company) culturing the soil (environment) to produce ripe fruit.

cant start a company with ACE, prob change his mind in 2 months and become a math teacher in Toledo

Every university jumped on the bandwagon. It is quiet sad, really, given that maybe 1 out of 100 startups actually make it to breakeven. In reality risk adjusted return on startup is always worse than permanent job.

If you work long hours for a pittance now, we’ll give you highly diluted equity later. Think of the millions!!

That Toledo gig doesn’t start for 3 months and I hadn’t told anyone!

Sad, but most people dont understand how dilution works, and that any subsequent round will dilute you, and how vesting works and restricted period etc.

Quinoa farm in Brooklyn.

There seems to be a large demand for a poker site after the departure of Poker Stars in the US. Anyone want to create a company? I’m thinking of giving the majority stake to the developer. Once set up it would be pretty easy money with the rake comprising the majority of revenues. Thoughts?

based on a commercial I saw with Ice T and it appears the genius idea is to open a lemonade stand… the customers cant seem to read though

Uh yeah.

I read a book about the rise and fall of Absolute Poker and it took them a team of developers over a couple of weeks to create the platform. Their take was significant at peak which seems to be attainable with the current demand. It might take 6 months to build to that with marketing.


Interesting thread. Count me in I have some great ideas.

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YawagQ6lLrA autoplay:0]

AF Career Consultations on how to transition from IT to Finance. I see tremendous demand for this service. I can already think of an org-chart and burdened rates for key players.

I finally thought of a good one. A cell phone that looks like a banana. You’re really making a statement if you’re walking down the street talking on a banana. Plus, how many times have you been sitting around a renaissance style home with a modern cell phone on the table. It has dual use as a fashionable piece in classy settings.

How about creating a forum where people propose ideas for others to steal?

Ahha yes. A very important point. Most ideas spawn into business development and execution with this comprising most of the time. So if interest is developed, equity will be split and then a plan of execution will fall into place. (Idea generator gets boost in equity). Also, others can’t steal certain ideas that are time dated. If a truly sound science idea is time stamped, it is legitimate evidence as first creator status.

I have a great idea. How about milfs?

Edit: In my opinion, the banana phone could be a winning product. In addition to the benefits stated above, when people see you carrying around this sizeable gadget in your pocket, they will ask “is that a banana in your pocket or are you happy to see me?” Imagine the friendships that will be started or renewed.

Ben Miezrich?

Could be - I dont remember. But it was crew who started Absolute Poker and went to costa rica to operate.

Image result for the world needs ditch diggers