in the future when these posts come up I will tell the poster that his/her numbers are wayyyy too low. I mean look at Ken Griffin or Soros. millions a year? nah billions territory.
ken griffery jr is worth billions?
ken griffin not ken griffey.
although Griffey is doing alright for himself as well. Hall of fame and has around 100mm. Talk about top 0.1% at something he does.
That’s what happens when parents tell their children that they are special, one-of-a-kind snowflakes who can achieve anything if they really, really want it. That’s going to be one disappointed generation of unicorns.
No. This is what happens when parents raise their kids right–to believe that they truly can achieve anything with hard work and passion. Not my fault you can’t step up to our league mang. Most ER analysts make 7 figures if you work for a BB. Fact.
My wife is a bad person. Fact. I am divorcing her. Fact. You people are pissed. Fact.
^ You better divorce her before you starting pulling in 7 figures.
hell yeah playerrrrr. actually they only make 7 figures at BB but wait until they jump to HF and PEs. Then they really start to pull 8 figures and billion dollars is in the horizon in about 10 years at HF/PE.
Raking in all those mgmt and incentive fees!!! 8 figures easily by mid 30s at HF/PE.
no, we are not pissed we just jealous playerrrrrrrrr.
Hey, I started out mopping the floor just like you guys. But now… now I’m washing lettuce. Soon I’ll be on fries; then the grill. In a year or two, I’ll make assistant manager, and that’s when the big bucks start rolling in.
This guy is making a strong push for troll of the year. Taking the early lead by being in a seemingly normal marriage and it falling apart before our eyes. Anywho this guy is fantastic at trolling. Maybe CvM coming back to have a little fun?
If it’s him, I fell for it hard. But I think no, that wouldn’t be his style.
confirmation bias?
Money follows greatness, not the other way around. Fact.
OP is a D-Bag. Fact.
In my experience, it is much more plausible to have tons of “next door millionaires” walking around the finance world than it is to have a bunch of 6’5" dudes benching 500 squatting 750 with 2% body fat and 9" c0cks the way everyone is claiming on that bench press thread in Water Cooler. In my small firm there are definitely more millionaires than 6-footers, easily. Much less ones that are analysts by day and Mr. Olympia by night. Fact.
Crossing 250k is hard, in any position
250 all in or base?
Base alone isn’t totally a fair comp, because the simple matter is that on the buyside for example, a lot more of pay is bonus. Even senior investment folks could make 200k, and the bonus is multiples of that
^ did you mean 2,000k? I mean, “senior folks” must be a 3+year analyst and that would be inline with the OP’s perspective.
2,000k or hacksaw.
i would go by CFA comp surveys but also assume that comp surveys overestimate actual comp. i can only assume there aren’t many people with their CFA filling out surveys and claiming $0, or $40,000 in comp. the surveyor probably assumes they’re trolling and excludes the data but it probably reflects reality more closely.
you’re going to max out at $300-$600k if you’re good and work for someone else. if you’re CEO, MD of some massive department or owner of your own $hit, sky’s the limit. odds of your becoming the latter is about 1/50 even if you have a Phd in being awesome.