ESPN and Physics

lol @ now I have found my signature…

“I played up to a year ago in an adult league where guys throw 85.” - where the IT dudes come to make fun of the nerds.

Yo Blake, I hit up a batting cage over the weekend and did the max MPH which was 85-90 MPH. Assuming you were up against similiar speeds, I have a new respect for you.

Yes! We’re bringing back this thread!

CFA, that’s because the cages dont throw from 60’6 like MLB pitchers, there’s no wind up to help you time the pitches, the angle is more upward, and your swing is too long bro

My last post on this I do not comment on threads that are done…

The BEST pitchers threw ~85 we were told. So average was substantially below that. A major league pitcher can put a ball anywhere on the plate and has command of multple types of pitches. In our league guys did not have that type of control and only threw a few types of pitches. You also knew when a curve ball was coming which was whenever the pitcher was up in the count. Fastballs when they are behind. So there is no comparison. The umpiring was terrible as well so the strike zone was enormous and not consistent so you had to go up there swinging.

Batting cages you cannot even compare to a pitched ball. As stated above, you cannot see the ball come out of the pitcher’s hand. It is all timing whereas when up against a pitched ball you need to make a decison (speed, plate location, etc).

blake, unless you’ve taken one in the shoulder from a guy throwing 90, you should stop talking about your wack ass league you played in.

Blake, who’s that fat guy in your avatar?

^ That’s B-hustle hitting some Taters over the LF fence!

^ B-Dawg has power to all fields!

In a completely joking way, when Blake talks about baseball, I imagine Kenny Powers saying all of those things.

Got it, so a 100 mph big league pitch is the same as a 12 mph pitch from 5 feet away. I’m awesome at baseball, apparently.

Thanks for bumping this. - Signed, Everyone on AF

^ Didn’t Blake want to fight you and even offered to pay for your travel expenses to arrive in San Fran or wherever he was?

what happened to blake, did he get hit in the head by an 87mph beisbol? lol

Did he? I missed that. I usually stop reading Blake’s posts after the first or second time he spews garbage onto the forum.

Edit: I don’t think I would fight Blake, nothing to gain.

blake is sitting at his computer slinging glue all over himself reading all these comments about him.

Wow, when was the last time Frankie, BS and Blake all posted in a thread. One is a shoe in hall of famer, the other will get in on his 2nd or 3rd try and then there’s Blake.

This thread should get bumped once a year. So, bump.

more like twice a day. bump bump.

Wow this kid from South Korea is pumping it in there at 100 mph (equivalent). How can anyone hit that?

its so true