Ever turn down a job soley due to pay?

hey numi- I’ll be you personal accountant for free if you let those types or ‘rounding errors’ slide :wink:

Gawd. Numi, you’re a machine. Slash; I took a substantial cut (~15%) to take a job that was relevant, right location, path I wanted to be on, etc… Make sure everything on paper fit what you’ll actually be doing on the job; if it turn’s out that it’s not the case the lost dollars will be mocking you in you’re sleep; like those geico ads (I think), except the bundle of cash would be flipping you the bird from some unreachable place. Also consider whether the new gig has the upside potential, or experience necessary to move on to a more lucrative shop in the future, to make the stop make sense financially. Otherwise I guarantee the op costs will pick at your soul. Maybe you could consider whether you’d be happier at the new shop… But it usually comes down to the $$$s.

numi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > $10-15K is basically a rounding error >> In my case, money represents a very small component of what makes me happy. Life experiences and being able to serve others are very important to me I thought you were quitting your job and moving to Africa to help people? Why are you still working in PE and throwing casual insults at everyone?

OK, I already expressed my desire to recalibrate my comments and I apologized for my choice of words. Evidently, that’s not quite what I meant and there was nothing “casual” or flippant about my statements. I’ve said my piece but if you want to continue hanging onto things as they were stated originally, that’s fine.

All jobs are about pay, if this job is offering less, you need to look at whether the experiences and credentials gained from this job is going to get you a job with even higher pay in the future.

Captain Awesome!