Failed 1st attempt- retake?

I had attempted CFA L1 in June 2012, which i failed in Band 5. Since then haven’t attempted to take it again because of the high costs.

Now, thinking of retaking it.

Main intention is to learn and pass, more than job assistance, although it will certainly help that too.

Thoughts, Suggestions?

Ask yourself why you failed. If it was because of a lack of effort on your part, then I would certainly retake it. I would devote the time though. Devote yourself to passing. It is quite rewarding. You are capable of anything, if you give yourself enough of a chance. Money is only money. A sense of accomplishment, self esteem, confidence, happiness adds value to your life.

Cost-benefit analysis. Certainly you want more than just learning out Investment banking? Equity research? PM?

Hanging from speeding trains is more fun.
