Failing Level 1 June?

night hank…see you tomorrow!

I am on this list as well… hardly used CFAI textbooks, so now I am struggling… I did put in time and efforts, but somehow not doing well on the mocks, etc… I might give just one more try in Dec… All the Best, anyways…

I’m starting to get worried as everyone seems to think the CFA1 text books are important…mine are still in my box! all ive used during the past few weeks is the schweser notes…i thought that would b adequate…ehhhhh

I will definately fail tomorrow. I just finished my part time undergraduates exam in finance last thursday, putting in 10 hours each day in the past 4 weeks and i was left with 2 days for CFA revision. Sad to say i have nearly forgotten all the FSA and Economic part of CFA. All i can think of is what i study for my undergraduate. Think i should just give a miss for tomorrow paper and prepare mentally to report for work again on Monday. There is still lotsa outstanding shites that are left undone during my 1 mth no-pay leave ! arghh…

man that bites buddy. im sorry to hear that. well the exam is multi guess so even if u may have forgotten some of the theories or what not…hopefully u’ll b able 2 work out wat looks right and sounds familiar!

I started in Feb 08 - was looking for new jobs (found one) and studying at the same time - possess excellent procrastination skill -->count me in. Of course, I will still show up tmr and try my best By the way, I am thinking of doing FRM instead. Anyone interested?