
I loved AF. I only stopped cuz yall stopped. I learned a ton from you guys and not just CFA related. So thank you all for all the valuable frameworks this amirite6?

When I started I was an poor immature person with only 60k to my name in 2014. 9 Years later, I’m at 830k net worth, ucla,cfa,usc mba and still… immature. What’s funny is I would be a millionaire rn if I didnt spend 180k on tuition for mba. Millionaire by 35 that was the goal… I’ll be off a year but thats fine. Life is like that sometimes.

I know I talked a lot of crap about being a Don Juan, only to end up marrying a broad in the club. and typed like i didnt give a hoot about anything, but honestly i want to let you guys know how much i appreciate you all in shaping the man i am today. Hell I’m even tiktok famous now.

Its amazing reading through the posts. I literally just pdf’ed everything. 1300 pages of golden nonsense. But its interesting to see how I evolved in m 20s. It’s a cycle I guess. Every 5 years our mindset changes. I used to think that was garbage, but seeing what happened in my life, I just want to confirm its true.

I used to dream of retiring early in the Philippines, by the beach, sucking down piña coladas in a hot tub with six girls named Amber and Tiffany. That just doesnt seem likely now, but who knows. Life is like that sometimes.


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which club? the pudding club?

Que lindo, mijo!!!

is this supposed to be a brag or sad story? cant figure it out

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3xAmber and 3xTiffany?

Somehow the TikTok algorithm has sent me scads of your videos. You are TikTok famous. Use your power for good and not evil.

ROFL. I love you guys. Jump in my next live m8. I’ve actually seen a couple af brothers jump on

Wat happened? Came back to check up on the old stomping grounds and saw this thread but also recent one, so this site is still up and running?


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Of course this site dies before you’d come acknowledge my powers as a superior investor


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Luckily, this site is still alive and kicking. Let’s get it going again! Watercooler used to rock.

I low key went through every post I made in this site. Was legendary


This place legit kept me going somedays man. I hope everyone is doing well if you’re reading this, and Nery someday when I’m in so cal next we NEED to get beers homie.

absolutely m8. el torito happy hour.