Finally broke 80% range

dude your last year’s score makes my tummy upset. how can that score be fail?

Ccfaboston, I think I was one of the top 10 below the curve…I truly believe it was a matter of 1-2 questions…

N.Van - I think this 80 that you broke today will push you over the curve this time around…!!

i did pretty well with practice exams as well last year. my book 6 scores were mediocre. i hit 70s with my book 7 though and i was pretty confident. i was still a little worried but in the back of my mind i was cocky that’s why i’m worried this year

Slash you are scaring me (again). did you do any CFAI mocks last year?

sorry mcpass… i didn’t do any mocks/samples last year. i guess you can say that i was schweserized