FML band 5

I failed too and that was exactly what I’d anticipated. In fact I was praying that I do not fail band 0 or 1. As it turned out, I failed but not that bad. I know exactly what went wrong last time. I will make sure I dont repeat those mistake again. Here are the few mistakes I did

1). Fatal mistake … doing a group study with a friend whose style was polar opposite to mine

2). Started out very early but almost forgot everything by Mayand had to revise everything which took awful lot of time and therefore could not practice much

3). Solved less than 200 question. I solved more than 2000 in level 1.

4). Spent time on finquiz questions which were absurdly difficult and were not true representative of exam.

5). Did EOC of only Equities and FRA only. Did well in those two areas in exam

6). Wasted a lot of my time watching movies … i want to kill myself for that

7). Set myself targets and never achieved any of them. I achieved every single target I set myself in level 1.

the list goes on … I am determined to put things right this time and I will start by telling my friend that I am not for group studies.

Don’t give up. I failed band 5 last year, I passed it this year. Just work harder mate

I agree with you regarding finquiz…I took two of their mocks and I understand they want there mocks to be difficult, but what they provided was insanely hard. I failed band 2 last year and band 6 this year…