“This country is divided. We need one side to crush the other side and bring solidarity. I don’t care which side wins.”
Lol, agree
“This country is divided. We need one side to crush the other side and bring solidarity. I don’t care which side wins.”
Lol, agree
Lol,one of my friends pointed out that they were forced to listen to one of their african american coworkers (friend works at one of the biggest tech companies) tell them about how she was mistreated and faced racisim. While I do believe that there is possible elements of racisim here and there,I don’t see any African Americans talking about how they have a much easier time applying to colleges/MBA programs or getting jobs at these giant firms.
If you are a black girl studying CS(or even shitty majors like information systems) it would be reasonable to assume you will have a hard time NOT finding a job as long as you have a gpa of above 2.0 and can code a for loop or something simillar.
sam stay safe out there
Tank Sir Igor
broski - is that you and droogs guarding babushka’s shop against looters somewhere down in brighton beach? Respect comrade
I love how she says someone is threatening her life & her dog …meanwhile she’s literally strangling the dog on the leash.
She’s trash.
On a bright note, I read that humane services took the dog back from her. Justice has been served.
Same with the italian mob - don’t mess with our cannoli
Actually Armenian but same difference I guess.
i didnt know that armenians were similar to italians. they are geographically far from each other. i actually know people from both sides and dont see similarities.
My bad, that reply was to the Russian establishment.
pretty cool stats. but oyu can poke holes on it. for example. how does 1 define a crime. is this the bs drug laws. you can also say that cops are more likely to persecute dark people more. etc. et.c
Yes that’s why they use several proxies.
What’s the proxy for racial bias?
Already happening. Unfortunately it has taken even more tragedy to provide a catalyst.
Chauvin’s charge was upgraded. Officers were suspended in Buffalo. Too much to list. There’s no place in this country for thenviolence we’ve seen employed against peaceful demonstrations. It’s unacceptable and we need to do some serious introspection about how we got here as a society.
I think the Asian should be let go. He seemed nice lol