why would unprepared/not at par candidates try full exam ? someone who is not on par would rather go for L1,L2 format isn’t it ? I felt what I felt was because ,last year my friend took FRM exam with minimum (1-2 weeks) preparation he is a CPA …but he is neither working in quant profiles nor has an extensive quant background .He did try for deferment of exam but he was late so he had to attempt …infact he said he just glanced thru the schweser book . After the exam he said he had guessed most of the questions .but he passed with 2nd quartile in all . Hard to believe …but this kind of inconsistency with GARP has also been discussed at BT ( ) Like David Harper , Bionic Turtle says “linkage between learning outcomes and source readings was too loose” what was the CFA L1 phenomenon ? by the way

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Again it is just a matter of opinion just like yours. Very surprise on what you have just mentioned about your CPA friend. (I am also a CPA but CPA or CFA had nothing to do with the chance of passing or how smart you are). Again, if that’s so easy and I will highly doubt the value of FRM. Just look at the passing rate for CFA Level I, it is not encouraging. The passing rate was low not because it was too difficult but many people were either unprepared or not prepared well, etc. (Just checked the number of people enrolled for the level I exam and failed) In my opinion, many people don’t know what they are getting into and get surprised…! Again, don’t you think people who took CFA I or II are all prepared or up to par? How can you explain a passing rate of only ~ 1/3 for level I and ~0.4 for level II? I used level I as an example because there is no level 0 and all people can get in by paying fees. I hope what you’ve just mentioned is just an outliner example of people who took FRM instead of a norm.

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I was going to sign up for FRM for the last sitting, but my only reason to take it was to improve my quant and understanding of general risk models. After thinking more about it I think PRM fits the bill for my circumstances more as I want a broader more intensive math based focus, which is the distinguishing factor between FRM & PRM. A 2 exam format also adds to the prestige of FRM. Overall it would make sense for this exam to have record low pass rates, if anything because of the people rushing to pass an easy exam. Good luck to all those registered, I am enrolled for CAIA-L1 in September.

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^ you are going to (cfacow)town with your posting, lol

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ha ha, point taken…my bad my bad.

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I just registered for FRM Full exam …have anybody registered for the same ??

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did you know this ? 2007- 10,000 odd ppl signed up 2008- 13,000 odd ppl signed up 2009- 15,000(before 1st deadline) and still going "GARP Announces Record Early Registrations for the 2009 FRM Exam 15,000 Already Signed Up To Take the Exam in November GARP is proud to announce today that the Financial Risk Manager (FRM®) program continues to set records by registering 15,483 candidates as of the close of the Early Registration period, April 30, 2009. "

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