Get Woke with Turd

What if you think you are “woke” but then you get an additional awakening? Can you be more than 100% awake? :confused:

That’s an interesting question. The answer is that ‘woke’ is a journey not a destination. The man who just found out Hillary is crooked and starts to question everything is just as woke as the guy who understands that the cabal, in exchange for dominion over the human race and occult knowledge, is working w negative ETIs to keep humans stuck behind the veil in their 3D existence so the ETIs/interdimensional beings can continue to feed off their negative vibration. Both are true and both people are woke. What matters is choosing to be on the path or not.

Go next level y’all:


You will get what you are willing to accept. If H was elected, pedophilia would have already been legalized. Kill the kids one by one.

still no answer…

Throw it in the “we’ll never see it” pile with STL’s write up on ETFs and purealpha being correct on… anything.

I’ll get around to it. Though if you’ve been following the industry rags, many are coming around to see the fault with ETFs already.

Edit: Get woke sheeple.

I question the intent of those asking for chronicle of person awakening to mass deception. Even if ridiculous story, what merit is lost from questions being raised by thread creator?

Igor, you are afraid that media narratives from original homeland now more legitimate than from new homeland? It is strange request.

Soft scientific disclosures all around. This ain’t new folks, just new to you.

White House insider says big news will hit tomorrow bt 10 and 1 first on Twitter then fake news will have to cover it by friday. Same source who leaked Susan rice investigation. “Big news”, more fun!

Dude just give it up already…


it’s right in your face


Man working with the GOP trying to obtain Hillary’s hacked emails from the Russians committed suicide. Another kill for Hillary?

Wow, People of Earth is a documentary.

dude are you really married?

damn smeone got woke

yes to the person I’ve been w for 1/2 my life.


You feel that? Dawn is breaking.