Going into biz with friends

Yeah who needs Equal Housing Opportunity. lol.

Maybe you could negotiate some rent discounts based on level of frendliness they offer to you.

Good advice there from turd (nice handle by the way!).

Best of luck if you go through with this. As long as house prices continue to rise I think you will be able to muddle through ok. As I mentioned before, the real risk I see is if the market falls and you end up in an ugly situation with neg equity and someone unable to meet their commitments. You could end up suing one of your friends for money owed.

…also if you can avoid it, don’t sign any personal guarantys for whatever debt you’re taking out. this likely won’t be an option unless you’re going for a low LTV. The bank’s recourse will most likely also be “joint and several” which means if your partners flake, they can come after you for the whole loan amount. I’d fight hard to avoid these loan terms if you can. You may want to underwrite your partner’s credit before deciding to take that risk.