hangover cures

Butt funnel or hacksaw

I genuinely lol’d.

My new mantra. Thank you.

I believe it’s well documented that I do not.

Just shoot yourself in the foot.

The hospital will take care of you.

I also abide by the belief that you can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning. I may or may not have kicked off Canada Day with a drink at 10:45 today.

More accurately, itera’s tax dollars will take care of you via Obamacare or Medicare/Medicaid.

you will also be taken care of in jail by Itera’s tax dollars if you posses the gun illegally

Tylenol while drunk is a really bad idea. Especially if you don’t/can’t keep track of how much you’re taking. Tylenol OD is actually pretty easy, just a touch over recommended daily dose and maybe less than if liver already hurting. Worst is it doesn’t kill you right away. You’ll get abdominal pains a few days later and bingo you’re on the transplant list or facing death. Advil is much safer. Better yet, drink a few litres of water while drinking, eat lots and know your limits.

The Koreans have a cure, since they have a mega-drinking culture they had to invent this, it seems to work. Never seen it sold in North America, it’s a small bottle of something.

hepatological failure from tylenol is not that easy. the LD50 is pretty high.

Take 3 capsules of PreToxx *BEFORE* your next drinking episode.


Not really true. Especially if one is drinking heavily when they take it or have existing liver issues due to drinking. A toxic dose is much lower when drinking. The FDA specifically warns against taking Tylenol with alcohol, saying at 2.5g a day can (but rarely of course) cause acute liver failure in drinkers. That’s just two and a half recommended doses of extra strength. And that’s acute liver failure. You’re likely doing damage, even if most don’t die. http://www.fda.gov/downloads/AdvisoryCommittees/CommitteesMeetingMaterials/Drugs/DrugSafetyandRiskManagementAdvisoryCommittee/UCM164897.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwickrvNsdbNAhUq34MKHd5SBfwQFggeMAE&usg=AFQjCNGBfS7-wI4vHfmXOUbVuyK4Mdaqxg&sig2=lHOs6-bT5vRiB0FTB4MJWw http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/InformationbyDrugClass/ucm239871.htm Sure, it may not kill you immediately for most. But when you do it regularly and then wonder why at 60 your liver is rotten… Not worth the risk. All I’m trying to say is Advil is a way safer option if you’ve been drinking.

This stuff. Had this when I was over there. Probably not FDA approved but it works like a charm.

^ Yeah, that’s the magic juice!

Dunno what is in there, but it seems to work. The wife says it’s roots and stuff.

I’d like to get my hands on a few bottles of that by next Wednesday. Doable?

check your local korean grocer (not sure where you are). I’m not sure if it’s commercially available in North America.

I wouldn’t take more than one per 6-8 hours though. I was on the verge of death and that thing put me back to 100% for another 10 hours.