Happy Friday

Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday – we’re going to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wallpaper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond – I don’t know, I don’t know if we’ll have enough time.


Keep reading. It gets better as you read on. But it’s a complicated read. You kind of have to keep a map + family tree next to you to understand what’s happening. Same thing with the GoT books. Very many moving pieces and variables.

Friday: Pizza and watching the 1917 movie that came out the other week. Found an unreal version on the web.

Saturday: Sports and cleaning up the pad

Sunday: Netflix and reading.

Some of us are on work laptops!!! Ay, mijo!!! :broken_heart: :-1: :blush:

Are you Cubans hot like Puerto Ricans? Or are they more like the regular ones.

i bought this new game guys on steam. chinese parents. my kid will go to harvard.

Are these song lyrics? Or the game is called chinese parents?

yea lol look it up on steam. its fuqin fun

Chili’s simmering away on the stove!!! :slightly_smiling_face: Might grade a paper or 2 this aft.

Off to my nephew’s place tonight to celebrate his birthday!!!