Happy weekend!

Kids’ birthday parties. Multiple.


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fiance’s chicas are coming over. im suppose to get mongolian bbq. potential 4 way. who knows. you can do anything if you just believe. anything is possible.
they put the ring back at the courts. my buddies are playing bball again but my fam being lame so im prolyl going to wait more.
i also hooked up bitcoin with some tiktok thot. i basically said my buddy was worth a lot of money, and she asked for names. i told him to google my buddy’s music vid. and she said yes dm me. boom. hopefully he gets it in.

At one of the birthday parties, they had a ~20 foot tall inflatable slide. It was a dual party for Irish twins who invited their entire classes, so there were a ton of kids being hellions. Anyway, at one point there were probably 15 kids at the top of slide, jumping around, screaming, and not doing any actual sliding. One big gust of wind and over it went… not onto its side, mind you, but a 180-degree flip.

Moms were screaming, snot-nosed brats were crying, intoxicated dads were trying to hold the edges of the massive thing up so kids could crawl out.

It was glorious.


Lol for some reason I thought of the phrase hold my beer.


If none of the kids was yours, then yes indeed, it sounds glorious!!!