Hedge Fund

Does anybody know anything about hedge fund seeders? (Which is to say, I know some things, but not everything).

Emarkhans, do you mind shooting me an email? LPoulin133@gmail.com

… on the seeders the question really is whether anyone has experience with them.

emarkhans, im interested in talking further about a potential partnership, can you give me your email or email me at shahforlife@gmail.com

emarkhans, i have a buddy who went to kellogg with me who is also attempting to start a fund. he could be a good contact for you. if you’re interested shoot me an email at broberts2008@kellogg.northwestern.edu

Emarkhans, Shoot me an email @ equityresearch2006@yahoo.com. We have some interesting overlap.

Um how are you executing your trades? Do you have a PB?

Not yet.