High Testosterone Hammers Hedge Fund Returns: Study


the weird story i mentioned.


EPIC!!!also yes gundlach is great.

I don’t know. I just know the correlation between face structure and horomones and separately intelligence does not hold up as well for women.

Yeesh on so many levels. 1) Returns chasing 2) Inappropriately calibrated position size 3) Inflexible beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. Reminds me of a guy that explained to me with absolute certainty that FCX was dead around January 2016.

I’d like to see a separate study comparing the facial width-to-height ratio versus the actual levels of testosterone.


“While most studies have found some significance some have found little correlation.”

sounds like a guy who would fight to death for inflation… haha

on another note, wasn’t the Rwanda genocide directly caused by using the fWHR method? The belgins came in and put the perceived tutsis in power based on this identification…