Holiday gifts for boss or manager

I think this could be a great idea, especially since I think my boss’ young son may have a fixation with Navy SEAL’s and Ninjas.

I’ve given books to my manager(s). Just don’t expect them to get read. The title and subject communicates what you think they would be interested in, so the strategic thing is to give them a book that fits their image of themselves.

A boss of mine prided himself on having all sorts of tidbits of “what’s really going on in Markets/Washington/etc.” so when I saw a book titled “50 things you’re not supposed to know,” I knew it was for him. Cost was around $10, maybe $15. The book was a hit (he didn’t read it for a while, but once he opened it up, he couldn’t stop). I didn’t mind reading it either.

Maybe I should buy my bosses a copy of “Excel for Dummies”?

sounds like a winner. this one won’t be released until Dec. 26, but there’s a bunch out there that teach techniques used by SEALs to gain the mental toughness required for their training and operations. Here’s another that has gotten good reviews:

hahahahaha… they can benefit from it!

Who releases a book on December 26th?

^ yea i don’t get that. makes you wonder if this guy should be giving out business leadership advice.

What if you give him a book on how to become a better boss?

Nice play on words!

good idea. go for it,and let me know how it goes.